Immediately thought of this image.
Source: https://www.deviantart.com/devildjmachine/art/Deus-Ex-Human-Revolutions-Adam-Jensen-276354548
Immediately thought of this image.
Source: https://www.deviantart.com/devildjmachine/art/Deus-Ex-Human-Revolutions-Adam-Jensen-276354548
It crashed into a missile that was just looking at a cathedral.
I had no idea about that at all - very clever!
The way you’ve shared a link to the settings is really cool - how did you do that? Manually create the links? Or something simpler?
Even if you could prove it, it would still go badly in a lot of places in a lot of times.
Her head is on his left shoulder, if that helps it pop into place for you.
Oh, it’s not even not-a-joke in the way I thought. 🤣 Don’t mind me, I’ll just turn and face the wall for a bit…
Edit: OK, that’s a great gif!
I initially thought this was a gag on how people having their photo taken back the had to sit still for a long time…
But no, just jpg…
If it’s working correctly, it should be as simple as accessing (internal ip) : (port) at (external ip) : (port).
There are a bunch of things that might be going wrong if it’s not working. Unfortunately, I don’t have the skills to help you diagnose the issue!
Glad to hear its not universal.
No experience I’ve had in the corporate world has been as bad as what I saw everywhere in the non-profit world.
Not saying that for-profit companies don’t have these problems, not at all, but not to the same extent.
That must be location-dependant. I worked for a non-profit for nearly 5 years, a good sized one. The pay was significantly below the for-profit sector, and the organisation was pretty toxic to boot. I have many friends who did similar, and my assessment is that mine was probably the best experience. Burnout is the norm. Toxic culture is the norm. Underpay is the norm. It’s not an experience I’d be excited to repeat.
I started the Irish flag that ended up running to intersect the Enterprise. I would never have had it erase the 1701, and tried to move the flag up!
Still, I did learn about this place on the back of it… Happy to be aboard!
I love this video. The escalating insanity is wonderful. I once got the Harder Drives music stuck in my head for about 2 days straight.