Did Joe not send Israel almost all of the bombs and other resources it’s using to commit genocide on the Palestinian people?
Did Joe not send Israel almost all of the bombs and other resources it’s using to commit genocide on the Palestinian people?
Do you have coworkers with the same complaints and risks? I understand that it’s risky but I also don’t think there’s an alternative option as all companies eventually will use the same exploitative practices.
To improve your work conditions you have to demand it for yourself. As long as workers allow it to happen, their bosses will do everything to increase profits on the expense of the workers. Unionising your workplace is the only secure way to gain back your power.
Your first paragraph is victim blaming. I know several women who grew up in Europe and have ethnicities from various regions in Asia and they experience a lot of racist sexual harassment from strangers on the street. They have no misconceptions about white men. Most avoid white men at all cost.
Browsing lemmy as a marginalised person is very frequently not a comfortable experience :/
Asian women generally face a lot more sexual harassment in western countries than white women because of the idea people have that they’re submissive and ‘traditional’ and won’t defend themselves. If you can’t imagine being fetishised is a bad thing you have serious issues with empathising.
Dating someone who fetishises you means they don’t care about your personality or other traits except for the trait they fetishise. They’ll try to fit you into a racial mould you probably don’t belong to just to satisfy their weird fantasies. They do not care that they hurt you in the process because you’re not a person to them.
Capitalism is exploitation. To prevent workers from fighting the ruling class for better conditions, the ruling class has to divert workers frustration towards other working class people from other countries or other ethnicities.
Racism and nationalism thrive in capitalism. I don’t know if those are more prevalent in Russia than France or Canada. Almost all Western people I know think Western culture is superior and that all countries in the world should Westernise. That’s a very racist and imperialist view. It assumes that developing countries cannot develop and become progressive without Western influence. While the opposite is true, Western governments and corporations destabilise developing countries to exploit their resources and labour, which makes social progress really difficult. Also many of the conservative beliefs in developing countries where forced upon them by Western colonisers. Western people still tend to think people in developing countries are way less progressive than they actually are.
The Russians I have met were sometimes nationalistic, but none believed that they should conquer the world to rid it of ‘barbarism’ brought on by their own actions.
The Russians I know are proud of being Russian. They have an interesting history with many (non war related) achievements. The war with Ukraine doesn’t define the Russian people. Also, (working class) Russian people are very welcoming to guests and selfless from my experience.
Directing the attention towards the voters instead of the democratic party is a deliberate tactic to create division among the working class. The democratic party has way more power than your neighbour who didn’t vote. Getting angry at your neighbour will only alienate them further. It’s a waste of energy.
Join the union and find out. Most unions are still following the old ineffective strategy of advocacy instead of organising. But they are usually somewhat democratic so you do have a say in that.
Jane McAlevey No Shortcuts: Organising for Power in the New Gilded Age is a great book to learn about unions and union strategy
A strike takes a lot of preparation, most of which is unionising and convincing your coworkers to join the strike when it’s time. A strike at a workplace is only successful if 75% of workers join in on it. Some US unions are ready for it, but a lot aren’t. If you want to contribute, join a union or start unionising. Resistance is built from the bottom up and strong unions are the most effective method.
Read Jane McAlevey No Shortcuts: Organising for Power in the New Gilded Age to learn about how to make a successful union and how powerful a successful union can be.
Paid services profit if they reach a broader audience so they pay people to post on forums and other social media about their services.
Anyone with any sort of means of influence has a way to profit off of the situation. Resistance needs to happen from the bottom up.
I don’t care about your previous presidents. I care that Joe is responsible for a genocide on the Palestinians and that you seem to think that that’s a petty issue.