I tunnels here with my Gopher browser.
Just a simple hobo.
I tunnels here with my Gopher browser.
That’s why I’ve stopped looking in my subscriptions, too much clutter…
You kinda hope this is leading somewhere and it’s not just some crazy dude drunk with power hurtling the ship nose first into an iceberg.
AI tracker as I drive out my driveway: Well looks like Hobos off to McDonalds again…
Aww man seeing that name again brings back great memories, I credit that app for my taste in music.
You’d spend more time looking through people’s immaculately sorted folders of music.
There’s on guy in Germany who is solely responsible for the punk bands I listen to.
It’s your lucky day, someones already done that!
Well I guess I’m woke then.
That’s how most my messages look before I fix them when I type normal.
Yeah, but where’s the fun in that!?
I love how he tried to make that documentary about masculinity and accidentally made the most unironically homoerotic piece of media… that trailer was just filled with buff dudes barely clothed shining lights directly at their junk. I’ve seen more subtly in actual gay porn.
Yeah I do, I anthropomorphise everything lol, I apologized to my door for bumping it with my wood trollie yesterday.
It might not have feelings, but I do and I felt bad.
I reworked an old phrase because of him.
“You either die a hero or live long enough for everyone to work out you’re a fucking idiot.”
And that’s how to sex robot industry was created!
I always remember that plant in Japan that was hooked up to a computer that would get sad if no one talked to it, but will be full of excited energy anytime someone spoke to it.
Now I apologise to a tree if I need to take a leak on it.
That’s fair enough tho, up until recently there was only one meaning to the name Lemmy, I do like how fitting the name is tho.