im voting for him regardless of his stance on israel/palestine. How is staying home going to help palestine??? Even for palestine, biden is the lesser evil on who runs the us.
I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.
im voting for him regardless of his stance on israel/palestine. How is staying home going to help palestine??? Even for palestine, biden is the lesser evil on who runs the us.
people should concentrate third party at local levels as there is a real chance there also vetting the candidates at the primary level. We have greens at various local positions around me but we have also had insincere candidates try and run as the party canidate (they think getting on a third party will be easier)
also there are aging studies that indicate getting damage cells to self destruct helps being healthier as you age so you want to increase senescence rather than reduce it.
oh man. I hate these are not optical but so much more sustainable.
adding to the trackball love and specifically this thumbball type. I do hate that I can’t get a wired. Turned my wife on to them. Great for anyone who is clutter inclined and does not want a device moving around.
adding to the trackball love and specifically this thumbball type. I do hate that I can’t get a wired. Turned my wife on to them. Great for anyone who is clutter inclined and does not want a device moving around.
their goal is 90%. I could see it if the ai was given a long enough time with feedback on what you are doing. Which I think would be tough with stroke patients. Great for folks that would like to control a pc with thoughts but not get cut open though.
I know there is no option as 1024 is what the standard is now. Im not reading that anymore than someone saying how a red light really means go.
I was confused when I just read the headline. Should be “Why I (that would be you not me) think a kilobyte should be 1000 instead of 1024”. Unpopular opinion would be a better sub for it.
Its crazy how they think they are in despite the fact that over and over no one is protected by being his guy and often times quite the opposite. If it comes to pass they are more likely to be eating the shit that they sow than average although there will be plenty of shit to go round.
I would prefer to catch fictional movie adaptation thank you very much. I like boring. boring is good.
I agree although the term used sounds like something stan lee coined.
how is he not representing his constituents???
which is the exact emphasis I would like from any of my reps.
there is some islands coming off a penisula that russia took over that belong to japan.
there have been good shows since but ill admit there is a lot of crap to wade through as the various media streams pump out anything they can.
its from the movie anger management and sorta a joke but it only makes sense if you saw the movie.
Goosfraba. seriously though I don’t think there can be anything you do but remove yourself from the area unless they are your children. Its sorta funny but I was a way quite kid but I generally get kids. Its like dogs wanting to play. They just want to play. cyring and its like a dog wimpering. somethings wrong. Granted I have no kids and I don’t go out of my way to wrangle other folks but it never really bothers me.
not really since the palestines situation will be the same or worse under turmp. so its a choice of some or more of.