People tend to make their bio pic something they would like to fuck. Nice bio pic btw.
People tend to make their bio pic something they would like to fuck. Nice bio pic btw.
Not I. Democrats are what I want. Im worried about the countries future.
ah but you see even managers have mangers. I mean if the behavior goes all the way to ceo then its just company culture at that point.
the admins should not be the ones convincing. Its the managers who have to wrangle behavior like that.
you think thats bad. group texts automatically send to all. It doesn’t even default to just replying to the last person to send to you.
I would put win8 lower and win10 as a slight rise but not up to win 7 territory and then plummet. osx should plummet with the iosification of it.
I gave up new years revolutions for new years quite awhile ago. I also gave up going to church for lent.
thing is im such a hypocrite because I was super sarcastic and I can totally see why folks do this stuff for fun but man I never realized how it would end up influencing little cults when the internet grew up.
I do hate this stuff because there are so many things that just don’t know things and get their information from searches that then might then use this.
honestly I think the us should have higher tariffs till we get rid of citizens united and bust up monopolies (including limiting ownership of critical things like media) and make healthcare a right and regulate pollution properly and such.
maybe systems. my work tends to be getting one or more systems to do something a business wants.
that would do. each typical bathroom could accomodate several. Likely as many as the stalls and sinks in it which is usually like 3-5 and since you have men/womens you would end up with half a dozen to a dozen bathrooms in the same footprint. Might have to put a small hall because of the depth of the bathrooms but it just needs to be wide enough for wheelchairs and for the doors to open.
yeah its just stuff like this is so stupid I want to take it out of the debate in favor of things that government should actually be doing. like. I dunno. healthcare.
Im starting to think mcdonalds had a secret endorsement deal with trump that started a few decades ago.
well said. their chicanery with the judiciary goes back decades. As usual they are fine with their actions but when dems emulate the way they act to the smallest degree and they get mad.
just get rid of seperate bathrooms. floor to ceiling stall doors and everyone uses the same stuff.
ill take the data on the brothels.
This is a funny thing in that I actually like the idea of tariffs but using democracy, human rights, median income, and such for each country. Countries that pay to little and are non demorcratic and don’t allow for various rights would have big tarriffs and ones with all those things would have like zero. So zero for europe and canada and such but very large ones for saudi arabia and such.
joe rogan, fox news. cult of idiocracy. cult of idiocracy. cult. of. idiocraccccyyyyyy…
fly high with government funded bailouts once it falls apart. wooohooo.