Add a scroll bar and you’re on the right track
Add a scroll bar and you’re on the right track
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The fuck you mean? I sin almost every day
I just finished a project on Friday and my new boss thanked me and complemented me in front of the company owner. I was so unused to it I thought he was mocking me.
I met my old boss after he retired. He still had no idea what was going on.
Oh wow, I haven’t seen a Mutts comic since I was a child
He fucking what?
Wait, that’s illegal
Reading that middle aged should be 36 is doing all kinds of stuff to my perception of time…
Oh no, anyway
In my native language, the word for phone is an archaic word for wire. Which is also ironic.
I didn’t really get why someone would make a bill with just 2024 on it. Like, do they just really want to make sure that you know about the year 2024?
Then I saw the small print.
Floats in the silent empty void ☑️
Angrily lashes out with tentacles of destruction ☑️
Surrounded by its dead children ☑️
Imprints itself into your vision when looked at ☑️
Prolonged exposure causes cancerous growths ☑️
Was here long before we came to be and will be here long after we’re gone ☑️
The sun is an eldritch horror confirmed
Oh no, anyway
I don’t know why, but I read. “will be the end of British people”
I haven’t really looked at anything else.
I don’t use my phone to pay at the POS and I refuse to do so. I will always carry around my card and use that.
I had to close the app and reopen it