Looks like he’s straight out of FFXIV.
Looks like he’s straight out of FFXIV.
As someone who relies on Starlink to get functional Internet access? Please, please give me more options.
Seems more like a feature considering how ESP32s are used.
Git is significantly better than the alternatives. Don’t conflate git and GitHub, they’re entirely different.
Canon has a tank printer line too. Absolutely recommend any tank printer (you’ll have to check reviews for specifics obviously).
FireDragon because it’s the version of Firefox that Garuda ships with and I never saw a reason to change from it.
AURORA came to mind immediately as a trio candidate.
Oh my god it’s Javascripton Bourne!
Yup, and can confirm, it upgraded smoothly with no hiccups.
If you’re not already aware, almost that exact warning message exists on steam now.
Oh good, then Lua’s in the clear.
I just use abcde to flac, and if I want any further conversion I use ffmpeg from flac.
It didn’t succeed.
I’ve encountered this because my domain has a hyphen in it. Very irritating.
Aren’t the fish deaths known to be related to recent earthquake activity?
Time to download a car?
and have never had canker sores
They come from a virus most people have living dormant inside them. Various factors may increase the breakout rate, but the virus is the true source. Sounds like you’re one of the lucky few uninfected.
It’s an actual movie.