•It's pretty cruel, particularly for non-native English speakers, that 'lose' and 'loose' seemingly switched spellings, meanings and pronunciations with each other when no one was looking
2 months agoI once had a roommate from Chile and he asked what the difference in pronunciation was for “juice” versus “Jews”. I’m still not sure I properly got the difference across…
Also the difference between “to rob” and “to steal” was an interesting thing to think through and then explain.
One of the greatest problems, IMO, is that there’s little incentive for people to leave good reviews of their company. I’m relatively happy at my job, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go info a website to say why I like working for them. Sure, some people will, but you go onto these types of websites either cuz you wanna complain or because HR is going around with donuts offering one to everyone who leaves a review.