This is a miss understanding. Deleting it doesn’t actually delete the data, just the meta data. Overwrite it and it’s gone forever
This is a miss understanding. Deleting it doesn’t actually delete the data, just the meta data. Overwrite it and it’s gone forever
Completely unnecessary. Overwriting the whole drive with zeros completely stops anyone from being able to recover anything
Yeah, dude is straight bat shit, but he made a good product. Buying McAfee wasn’t the mistake, ruining it was
By the end of the first season they basically set the books on fire and threw them out the window
I fucking lost it. My wife had not read the books so she was like what’s wrong
Oh my God I think you just became my friend. That was great
There are no beginnings in the wheel of time, but it is a beginning
I second mint, back when I had more time to fuck with such things I distro hopped like crazy, mint is easy and it just works
To be fair, not all of the advancements were intentional. Much of modern medical ethics are based entirely on the fucked up shit Nazis did. Off the top of my head though they proved a lot of shit didn’t work and invented a high power electron magnescope. I would have to circle back to fully remember everything.
Many of them yes, but not all.
If I were the parent, knowing exactly how little disability actually covers, as both my father and my wife are/were on it. I would help that kid more, and hope I raised my other kids to appreciate that they just needed more help.
No worries, I was thoroughly indoctrinated as well.
I wasn’t saying you were defending him. I was talking about whatever dumb ass wrote the book you read.
Until he got the whole country bombarded, tons of them killed, and drove the country into the brink of economic collapse? Poor argument. If you’re gonna say he did something worthwhile take off the fucking kid gloves and admit no matter how absolutely horrific a manner in which he did it, Nazi experiments advanced knowledge of medicine and anatomy.
“nothing scarier than a monster thinks he’s right with God” -Malcolm Reynolds - Firefly.
And yes it’s definitely much scarier
Part Jewish here, yes the Nazi sympathizing was awful. But at the same time, he spearheaded massive improvements for workers.
Does that make up for supporting Nazis? No. But most people are some mix of good and bad
If course it’s not their fault Republicans are doing this. It’s their fault they are doing a shit job of fighting back
Calls others children, acts like a child. Checks out. By the way, I hate the Democratic party as well. But your supposed superiority is just as cringey.
Usually they say “save x amount” but neglect to say over what time period we would save it. 10 years is common but not universal. It’s more about “sticker shock” than the actual truth
Since dipshits are down voting me for being right, I’ll just leave this here