No one is allowed to give a fuck or they’re out of a job. Corporations love AI development because it will give them the obedient machines they need to do whatever they want without pesky human morality or emotions getting in the way.
No one is allowed to give a fuck or they’re out of a job. Corporations love AI development because it will give them the obedient machines they need to do whatever they want without pesky human morality or emotions getting in the way.
Maybe paid search engines was the end goal all along…
Can we speed them up? I’m not sure we’re going to last that long.
Perhaps they would like to borrow the French guillotine for some time.
Cats are angels confirmed.
Oh look, it’s the Molly Weasley debacle in real life!
I’ve been exposed so many times throughout the years, the mails were automatically moved to the spam folder.
The right state of mind is boring. People only want boring when excitement becomes tiresome.
Fu-- uhh jumping Jack is fine as well.
They must be numb then because I ain’t tasting shit!
So I was thinking of a grappling hook with suction hose and/or lubricant to pull out the shit out of your ass when constipated.
Or a net in the toilet to catch your shit so it doesn’t splash and give you a so-called poseidon’s kiss.
I think it would be great to have the same level of control of our anus that we have of our mouth. I wanna whistle my farts.
Why’d you stop there, then?
The time and effort you put into typing this comment would have been better spent overthrowing your corrupt government and replacing it with an incorruptible one. Or at least a less corrupt one.
Ah, but why do that when you can scold random people on the internet for not joining a protest you admit is pointless?
And is it not pointless to protest when the government is corrupt? They will not care after all since they’re in someone’s pocket…
Look around the world and say how many protests against corrupt, tyrannical governments actually work instead of being squashed into silent submission?
Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t do something about it, but to do something that actually works instead of just walking down the street with a sign and then calling it a day once you’ve pissed off enough people.
Yea, Bhutan is about to become Bhugone.
War is funny.
WWI started because everyone had to respect their treaties and join their allies into war.
Then WWII started because countries didn’t join together from the start.
So, even if we learn from our past mistakes and avoid making them, with war, we can only do worse the next time.
Wow, the US GOP is both nazist and zionist. I did nazi that coming!
Whoever wrote that list probably isn’t being paid enough.
Unregulated capitalism some would say, I say cheap production costs with little to no consequence whatsoever for them doing this kind of thing.