I thought it was just going to be quiet the whole time, but this was better.
I thought it was just going to be quiet the whole time, but this was better.
That’s fine if you like the appearance of “retro” appliances, but that is certainly not the only way to avoid smart devices. Most microwaves, toasters, etc sold are not smart devices.
It’s time to go to the airport with face paint now.
Once again, all of these colonizers need to be sent back to their countries of origin and the state of Israel dismantled. They are geonicidal colonialist and there isn’t an innocent among them.
Most people don’t. So, for an average employee, it would be 9-530 to account for their unpaid 30m lunch required by law.
Predictive text algorithms will not wipe out humanity. 🙄
Depending on climate and soil type, you will need to dig a 3’wx6’lx3-6d hole. USFS land is great for this. Place nude cadaver in hole and coat with 10-15lbs of lye. Refill hole with excavated soil to approximate level of surrounding area. Disperse excess soil thinly over a wide area. Finally, cover disturbed soil with natural debris from the surrounding area, such as pine needles, leaves, twigs, etc.
Idk what it’s about, but I think OP must be chronically online to post something like this with zero context expecting everyone else to understand it. It is time to touch grass and stop emotionally investing in internet drama.
I think you’re on to something here. Somebody hit the sound booth at one of his events and play that shit as he walks out. It’ll hit especially well with his boomer and x base.
I can understand that. Thank you for expanding on it.
There isn’t any excuse for incel behavior. Those guys are trash.
Your entire comment you posted is just shitting on men and attributing the worst possible reasons you can imagine to them posting a fish photo. You continue in your second response to shit on men just because you don’t enjoy a particular hobby some have.
He definitely knows. He is known to keep a book of hitlers speeches handy. Might be the only book he’s ever read.
You can just admit you have a general disdain for men. Maybe after admitting that, do yourself and all men a favor, and just leave men alone, lol.
Only to be ignored by any actual women. Guaranteed to be accosted by bots and time wasting sex workers.
I don’t know how there are any straight men left on dating sites other than the “top 10%,” of course.
That was in reference to the franchise owners. The franchise owners will pay for the repair to avoid losing sales.
I got roughed up by the pigs in Chicago when I told them I lived in Japan. I did live in Japan, and I was just visiting family in Chicago.
That’s more so amazon can claim they aren’t commercials, but previews to upcoming shows you might enjoy. Though I suspect that within 18 months there will be amazon shopping adverts based on your shopping history. “Check out this overpriced dropship item even though you already purchased a similar product 6 months ago and don’t need two!”
As a man, I’d never even consider dating a woman on the right, and there’s far less at stake for me than a woman dating a conservative. This idea that decent people should enter into relationships, romantic or otherwise, with shit stains is absurd.
One of my favorite moments on reddit was spotting a bot that spouted unrelated nonsense. I checked the comment history and found users responding earnestly to the nonsense. While it was hilarious, it was also quite sad, the state of those people.