Whenever this topic comes up, I’d like to refer to Robert Miles and his continuing excellent work on the subject.
I’m going to go with “what is a story that started out real but you made up the end in your head on your way home?”
Tell me you’re a JavaScript StackOverflow copy-pasta noob without telling me you’re a JavaScript StackOverflow copy-pasta noob.
There’s people in my phone, so…
I think it’s just not very funny. That or I don’t get it either.
(I know, you watched a recent WAN show and just wanted to brag with the word puffery)
it’s not worth my time to discuss it with you.
If you want more information you’ll have to […] pay my billable rate. I assure you it’s out of your price range.
My time is valuable and you’ve wasted enough of it.
Well, thanks for proving my point. You clearly are the asshole in this story.
If you respond to me again I’ll block you without reading.
Don’t waste your precious time, I’ll block you right after this 👍
Don’t be a self-absorbed asshole on the internet. Not everything is about you. The seller put effort in the description, and if you’re too lazy or too cool to read it, you’re the asshole. Especially static information, like in this case the height or color, won’t change, so your argument is moot here.
The price listed on the listing is the price the seller intended to list. If it changed, the seller will update the listing. Of course you can ask for a discount, but please don’t bother people with stupid questions that are already explained in great detail just because you feel entitled. Thank you.
Last I checked, the Fediverse as a whole is kind of an European thing. Across the pond, nobody really cares. They have a very different understanding of privacy and freedom and therefore no real desire to use some decentralized crap with shitty UI and broken federation when there’s a perfectly good alternative out there that just works™️
I’m fine with that as long as the initial variable will be dereferenced after uploading.
Excuse me, I use Arch and Firefox with uBlock.
I don’t get it