This is an awesome tip!
Oh no it’s cool, they love authoritarian censorship irl, so this is their jam.
Bat’leth, obvi
Bonus points if they’re from .lemmygrad
You don’t wanna know
You don’t wanna know
Watching TNG, I don’t know how Picard doesn’t completely lose his mind after so much trauma.
Living a whole fake lifetime in Inner Light, then having it ripped away. Being tortured by the Cardassians. Being assimilated into the fucking Borg!
I can’t handle that kind of pressure
I’m sure it must have been super isolating back then too. I grew up in the 90s and remember that any class would only have like 1 overweight kid. Parents probably didn’t have a lot of empathy for it either, because they would have grown up in the 70s and were barely exposed to that at all.
That’s awesome! Most cartoonists seem like they’d be cool people in person.
(except notably the dilbert guy)
I was kind of thinking the opposite, because satire goes over a lot of audience’s heads now. He’d be taken out behind the barn like Pepe Le Pew.
The funny part is that I can’t tell if you’re joking.
I have the posture of an ice age caveman huddled for warmth.
Yeah, it’s satirical, and the comedy is seeing him shut down for his behavior.
I wonder if it would even work today.
For one, he’s basically doing an Elvis impression, which was fairly dated even in the 90s. Lol
I don’t think she’s annoyed, just sort of neutrally going about her business.
You are wise for a perogi.
This is news to me!