Been there, done that, would still eat a whole cheesecake in one sitting. Only slight regrets.
Been there, done that, would still eat a whole cheesecake in one sitting. Only slight regrets.
“If you’re going to have a monarchy, it has to be a monarchy of everyone,”
What an utterly INSANE statement.
I had that in Germany once or twice, but it was always that I’ve put the request in on short notice, we were a pretty small team, so three people at once wasn’t quite possible. But it was always the young parents planning a vacation during school holidays with their kids, so I understand that this collided and took my vacation outside those holidays.
In my mind it was because children are expensive, so high birthrates - less “free” income, means higher reliance on public services like transportation. At least here in Germany highest birthrates are usually low income, low education, often immigrant areas that would profit greatly from having a broader support from the public.
Can you seriously not see how this can be abused by Trump administration after news like ordering to retract the word “gender” from medical articles published by CDC:
Well now I obviously do, but like I mentioned, I am from Germany, I try to keep up with rapid-fire bullshit machine that is governing the US right now, but unfortunately we are also in a dire situation here right now. And I wouldn’t expect the whole world to automatically understand all the details of what is happening in our government right now, for example how terrifying and dangerous the last three days were for our democracy. I am happy to answer that for anyone asking genuinely btw. Hence why I was happy someone asked the questions that I had in mind while reading the article.
First of all - thank you for taking the time!
I totally understand, we’re all on the edge right now, my antennas are also sensitive to that kind of “just asking questions” disingenuous bullshit. But this didn’t feel like it to me, it felt like a genuine question, because I had the same thoughts before someone explained it.
I am from Europe, I suppose OP is also from a non-US country and at least to me it wasn’t quite clear that the group with highest birthrates are white evangelical Christians for example, like now I know and it makes sense, but without that context it’s hard to understand.
For example here in Germany, if I would read about our DOT making the same policy, I would think (without looking too much into actual data) - yeah okay, highest birthrates here are usually low income, low education, often immigrant families who are very reliant on public transportation to manage their day-to-day life - totally makes sense to support those areas with a higher budget.
Can you explain that reaction to me? OP posted a question that I also had about this thing, it didn’t seem disingenuous to me.
I forced some pushback on me by attacking the reactions as “hive mind”, which is lazy and combative, I understand that, fair enough.
What I fail to understand is the push back on the original question.
Thank you for taking the heat of the hive mind, I genuinely didn’t understand the problems either.
From experience I can tell you that even a nice prison is still a prison. Being locked up fucks with your mind.
I kind of get the whole 'Gulf of America’s, at least conceptionally, America is the continent yada yada yada, it’s fine, it’s silly but fine.
But the Mount McKinley stuff is really baffling to me. Afaik McKinley never even visited Alaska during his presidency, alaskans themselves tried to change the name since at least the 1980s and the only thing that stood in the way was Ohio, as McKinleys home state, blocking the name change, until in 2015 they eventually relented and the name was changed back to its original indigenous name.
Why would they change it arbitrarily again? I don’t understand? Is it just racism and it by chance happened during Obama’s presidency?
Come on, just a little ethnic cleansing will solve the conflict, can’t you see?
Thanks for the perspective!
“Staying alive” or “, Highway to hell” both have about the right beat for CPR
Honestly - fine with me, tear it all down.
One of my teachers was re-educated that way, from left handed to right handed and he hated it. But he could write mirrored with his left hand perfectly, which was an amazing feat. Sometimes he would write on the chalk board with both hands, the same word but mirrored, that was pretty cool.
Yeah because a terrorist has all his marbles together for sure.
See the poodle on my noodle
I was about to start the same list. Also - sand at day is warm and kinda soft, lying on sand at night is cold and as hard as concrete.
For starters never go camping on a beach, it’s almost always miserable.
Antennapod let’s you program the skip buttons up to 60 seconds, which is a delight.