Hiding behind the arch user lmao
Nob bindry
Hiding behind the arch user lmao
I use i3 on linux, and i have some keybinds set to easily switch desktops. If I’m not sure which one I’m on, i just hit the shortcut the one i need
Beep boop you got me
I didn’t think you were being antisemitic, i assumed you were unaware of the way that antisemites use the word
Its specifically when applying emphasis, usually with ((())), but not always. Using the word they on its own is not an issue, but in cases like this its usually better to say who you mean, instead of letting people assume.
“They” is frequently used as an antisemitic dog whistle fyi
If you hit start and type, it has the same function
It’s all pretty much been said already, but I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I read takes like yours.
You mention the possibility of things going wrong with nuclear, but you don’t mention the things currently going wrong with fossil fuels. Coal is killing people right now, and actively “making large swaths of the earth uninhabital”.
Depending on your source, nuclear is either the safest or second safest energy production method, even when including Chernobyl and Fukushima.
Nuclear is not the end goal of power generation, but it is the best we have right now.
First thing i thought of lol
I vote stop using honorifics entirely
tone indicators are useful for indicating tone. if you don’t want to use them, don’t, but anyone that wants to will, and those that need them will apreciate them. /srs
??? i was saying that if they don’t sell what people want to buy, people won’t buy things from them
hey i didn’t say you are a troll, just that you probobly are one. and yeah, it’s true that they can do what they want with any money they get, but what they will do is use it to replace the things that people buy. otherwise, people stop buying things from them.
some factory farms are torturing animals. depending on your definition, not all are, but the ones that remove pigs’ tails and castrate calves without sedatives are definitely torturing them.
and when they don’t have beans, i don’t give them anymore money
not with that attitude
based on your comments, you’re probably just a troll, buy just in case, here’s a really simple explanation.
so i buy beans from a store. the store has fewer beans, so they buy more from the company that sells them. i don’t buy meat, so that is one less meat product that they have to restock. therefore, instead of giving my money to the meat industry, they give it to the bean industry. on a small scale, that obviously makes no difference, but if enough people stop buying meat, less meat will be produced, which leads to fewer animals being tortured.
You did so great on that case, were having a pizza party for the whole office!