Nah. It ties back to the idea that an adult’s handwriting is unique. If everything else matches, but every word is spelled correctly you might have a forgery on your hands, or they could be writing under duress.
Didn’t help that all of the “high-society”/“high-minded” types were as obsessed with riddles and codes as the most extreme would-be sleuths you’ll meet today … or maybe the generation of average net denizen has lost out on something.
Partially implimented system theme. Comments: oP MuSt wAnT It tO LoOk lIkE MiCrOsOfT!
The only one who so-far realized the theming is the problem suggested a quick fix that will likely leave this issue cropping up again in other applications.
Me: down-votes comments because I WANT there to be a better answer, not because I know one. Happy Monday, people!