I know, but let me have my happy thoughts.
I know, but let me have my happy thoughts.
That does seem less than optimal, doesn’t it?
Now, forcing him to take auyahausca with a real hard ass of a shaman to confront him might have utility. Then, maybe he should have to live a life of service. Cleaning and caring for the elderly and infirm in a third world slum, some of his billions could be used to pay to have this be supervised.
That might be good.
Wow. That’s pretty warped. It sounds joyless and isolating.
I enjoy my meat suit and find joy in the meat suits of others.
If this is actually your worldview and not just you concern trolling, I recommend you seek some counseling. I say this with respect and concern.
No doubt! They are powerful medicine and should be used with guidance, especially at first.
I really like the trip guide method. An experienced person can shepard a person or small group through a trip. There is counseling before hand, maybe goals or problems to be considered during, counseling/discussion in the weeks afterwards. Screen for familial psychosis/schizoid disorders.
Medicine that should be respected, not really something to party with.
Boo. Gender differences are part of the human condition and can be funny. You just have to let it not slide into misogyny or misandry.
Hang out with some drag queens, if you don’t find their gendered humor funny, you need to have a think about your worldview.
Also, cis-het is naturally the majority of people. They are going to find humor in their shared gender differences.
Your cat appears to malfunctioning or maybe stoned. You may want to return it to the factory for service.
Those are true, non-addictive, psychedelics and the world would be a better place if more people were given them with a proper guide. Ketamine is significantly different and addictive.
I only made it through like one season of Handmaid’s Tale, it was too real.
Crazy. That’s effectively prohibition, and we all know what that does to black and grey markets.
I have given up on trying to fight my nicotine addiction. Vape with homemade liquid because I’m cheap and I want to know what’s in it. Smoke pipes and occasionally a cigar as I really love tobacco. May grow my own tobacco at some point just to play with it. (From the US)
Anyhow, potato vines contain useful amounts of nicotine that can be extracted and used in e-liquid. Atomizers can be easily made from nichrome wire. If you can’t get it direct, guitar strings can be a source of wire after burn off. Vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol are easy to get anywhere.
Holy shit! At that point, you could probably turn a profit growing shitty tobacco in a greenhouse and selling it black market.
Automatic transmissions have been around since the 60’s or 50’s, IIRC.
US made things that are the best or in a small group of the best:
Hand tools, power tools, machine tools, alloys, plastics, clothing/footwear, hardware, firearms, whiskey, porn, movies/shows, glass/ceramics, camping/outdoor, and all sorts of luxury items.
Affordability is a different issue. There are usually options that are good enough and cheaper.
It will be fun if we lose modern high yield rapeseed and soybean. Lovely.
Unrelated but horrible farm story you reminded me of. Worked on a tater farm when I was a kid. One of my favorite things when riding the planter was when they would spray fungicide on the planting from previous days. It smelled just like Grapico cola (grape flavored soft drink). We all loved the smell of it and basically huffed the wind. Probably get dick cancer or something from it one day.
Doing some quick searching, I didn’t find anything that covers your scenario. Not that I don’t believe you, but do you have a source on Fusarium quickly evolving fungicide resistance in a big way?
I have a pi 4 server that hangs up after a few days. Tried to track down what was causing it but didn’t go to extremes. Most expedient solution was to force a reboot.
Have a cron job that reboots the pi at 3:00 AM each day. Easy work around, lazy was better.
I dug into ‘Creation Science’ for a while as a result of the cognitive dissonance. Trying to square reason and science with religion and belief in an inerrant Bible. Ultimately, I lost my religion and had an existential crisis that lasted about a year.
It was terrible. Panic attacks and circular thinking. An existential crisis is depression’s cousin. Painful, frightening, and eventually exciting. I’m free now. I got rid of the slavery that was pushed into me as a child. Still have to fight the guilt and bad thought patterns.
I was not successful in bringing any friends or family with me from before. I tried. I have regrets, but would do it again.
Mike Johnson is way scarier than Trump. He’s a true believer, total hypocrite, and smart. His ideal society would be similar to The Handmaid’s Tale and he will pursue that agenda and believe he’s righteous when they build camps and dig trenches for the bodies.
Mike Johnson scares the fuck out of me. Watch him.
Just a note on the efficacy of activist messages in FOSS.
In the Aughts, I was learning to play with microcontrollers. PIC microcontrollers were free as well as the JAL language. I ordered a hardware programmer from the Dutch guy who created JAL: Wouter van Ooijen. Probably my first purchase online. There was a statement in the license, to the effect of, the language could not be used to develop arms.
Looking back, that was a turning point for me. I was machining arms for a living and continued to do so for years. It got me to thinking about what it was that I was producing with my hands. Weapons for killing people.
I thought about it a lot. All these things I was making with blood and sweat being used to kill people. Running machines on night shift gives you time to think.
His statement was, at minimum, at least partially responsible for me changing my mind. I grew past the bad religion and far right ideology that I was taught.
I’m going to send him a thank you note.
Did you read the article? If you have a problem with the political messages he is adding to the releases, you’ve probably been brainwashed by a government or a political party. He’s not saying anything controversial, mostly just “Hey y’all, genocide bad.”
Oh, that whole otherkin thing is absolutely a symptom of mental illness or maladjusment. I’m being blunt, and I expect you will find this insulting. I have no intent to insult or demean.
If you’re being genuine, you should seek help. I’ve seen it a fair amount, the same with DID self diagnosis. If you think those things are real, you are likely experiencing a personality disorder or struggling with some other mental illness.
While there are plenty of voices online that will tell you that you are this way and it’s okay, it isn’t. It can be socially isolating and impact your life in negative ways. Not trying to be disrespectful. Gender dysphoria and transgenderism/non-binary have scientific backing. Otherkin and DID seem to be an outgrowth of the kink and autistic communities, seems to be a very infectious thing. The otherkin thing came to my attention about 15 years ago and DID popped up maybe 6-7 years ago.
Seems to be a metastasis of otherness into a maladaptive identity pathology. Personally, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in anyone who isn’t on the spectrum.
I generally excuse myself from an in-person conversation when someone mentions they are kin or DID. It seems to be a treatment resistant pathology and latches on similar to bad religion. It is self reinforcing and isolating.
Again, I’m saying this with respect and care as an active participant of the kink/queer/leather community. I’m all about some pups, D/s relationship dynamics, but I also try and stick to science. Labels serve us, we are not our labels. Please seek counseling if you haven’t already.