No! I use the “Caps” key a hundred times a day! I have it mapped to output “Esc” though…
No! I use the “Caps” key a hundred times a day! I have it mapped to output “Esc” though…
Thanks, I will check it out!
I also have high hopes for Pop! OS, but it looks like they are trying to be a full DE instead of just a set of Gnome extensions now.
I am, actually. But I didn’t follow the guy at all. I just liked some roles he played.
I have far too many windows open to display everything at once, even with my 3 widescreen monitors (the curse of being a developer). I usually need about 4-5 workspaces to organise everything. Sometimes more. Often there are also multiple windows arranged on a single screen (I use tiling, so windows never overlap). I know by heart which application is on what workspace and screen (because it’s always the same). Because each workspace has a hotkey (Win + a numbered key) I can instantly pull up any window that I need, without searching for it.
Multiple workspaces per monitor, like OSX has. Currently it’s multiple monitors per workspace. So, switching workspaces switches all monitors instead of just the active one. Both Gnome and KDE get this wrong. Only esoteric WMs like i3 and awesome get it right, but they are not suitable for most people.
In the US, market share of Apple is between 50-60% while Android is between 40-50%, depending on the source. Worldwide is more in favour of Android, but this is a US lawsuit.
Have you seen them side by side? The difference between backlit LCD and OLED is massive. It’s a much greater jump in quality than going from 4k to 8k (which IMHO is barely noticable)
There is no cloud. Only someone else’s computer.
From the title of the screenshot I was sure it was going to be about daemons.
Electronic boards pretty much never fail in cars. They have no moving parts and the chips are encased in epoxy or resin. When it fails it’s pretty much always connected sensors, cabling or fuses or other external parts. And the board can usually tell you what part if you read out the error codes.
We’ll be gone
Don’t threaten me with a good time…
Debian stable has newer packages than Ubuntu LTS. Debian has pretty regular releases these days.
Why not move to Debian? Ubuntu was born in a time when Debian stable had a really long release cycle and wasn’t desktop ready. But times have changed. Debian is a great desktop without all of Canonical’s Ubuntu “experiments” like snap.
Too bad the alternatives suck so much. Vimeo used to be nice. I don’t know where they went wrong.
According to the article there aren’t any. That’s why he filed in Texas. I do wonder how he can file in Texas if neither X nor Media Matters is located there. Doesn’t that make it simple to file a motion to move the case to California and then use their anti-SLAPP laws?
Anything that’s steam deck certified should run flawlessly on Linux
RMS doesn’t disagree with OSI about the open source definition. He just thinks his Free Software definition is better. But RMS would most certainly not call “source available” software “open source”
I have ended too many mails with :wq