the ads in a paid os shouldn’t be a thing to begin with.
The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.
the ads in a paid os shouldn’t be a thing to begin with.
So, I’m an arch-btwistan, what does nixos do for a gamer/youtuber/low-tier-wannabe-musician? Legit asking, because I really don’t know what makes nixos tick, and the (very little) I’ve read doesn’t really explain the benefits of it
tbh, I prefer Cole’s Law
Its pretty close, but ideally I’d want to have it fit fin/swe layout without using modifiers to type ö and ä, and have them more or less where they’d be on normie layout. (I can live without å, so that already gives 1 key more leeway).
So far pretty much no ortho split allows this, I think. Unless I move enter key to the thumb keys or so. But then again that might be the default for eego/split keebs anyway, I dunno.
Going to have to read up on these a bit more.
oh wow. I have preonic, but I’ve more or less given up on learning to type with it. It’s way too narrow. I like the concept but a split ortho would be better, as I wouldn’t have to “hunch down” on it so much.
Fairly common to use en/us-layouts with highend mechanical keybards, as parts for those are more readily available.
But outside of the mech keebs or other niches, yea, people use the regional keyboard variants. Because it’s just easier if you can see the weirdo ümlâuts/etc regional characters on the keycaps when you’re not a touch typist. Over here (finland) it’s actually pretty hard to even get ansi/us layout keyboard unless you really go about your way and seek one out, basically all keyboards in stores are fin/swe iso layout. I’d assume the same is true to most euro countries.
probably true for ansi/english keyboards
for all/most (?) euro/iso keyboards altgr+4 for $. Shift+4 for ¤
but what about programmers with problems hearing? An alternative of webcam video with sign language, pantomime and subtitles is needed!
edit: OOH! Use AI to generate the sign language videos. Could be wild, considering how good AI is at drawing hands.
Time to get a keeb with a solenoid
Yup, reasonable points.
But, it is 3 clicks for now, but it might not even be an option later on. Yea yea, doomer and tinfoilhats. :)