This is classic right wing “humor”. They get butt hurt because we make fun of them so they think that humor just means hurting the other guys. They try, and fail, and we laugh at them which makes them even more butt hurt.
25 years in the federal government in guns and badges, 22 of those in Corrections, then 10 years in hacker hunting and breach detection, now an information security sales engineer. Homestead farmer, amateur welder, equipment operator, electronic designer, 40 years soldering, husband and father.
This is classic right wing “humor”. They get butt hurt because we make fun of them so they think that humor just means hurting the other guys. They try, and fail, and we laugh at them which makes them even more butt hurt.
The guy probably went home that night, stripped naked, put on his jack boots and inserted his Donald Trump butt plug and goose steped around the room giving the Hitler salute and masturbating furiously while reliving in his head how he showed those filthy non-believers.
Did any of the links work for you?
What about
I’m still not sure what the best format is for these links so that they work everywhere.
Gaslight Obstruct Project
I find it incredibly frustrating not to be able to reply to posts on other instances when I’m logged in to my local instance. That is the literal purpose of federation. Lemmy will very quickly fail if they don’t solve these basic problems.
We had a deep drought a few years ago. 15 foot deep ponds ran completely dry. The brown forest rats moved into the farms looking for food and water. They were EVERYWHERE. They got into the walls of our buildings, chewed through into the animal houses, and got into the feed. That same year we had an explosion in red squirrels and chipmunks. Then…they were gone. Not one to be seen.
I was walking toward the brooding house one day and a huge rat (for a brown forest rat) came charging out toward me, ran into my boots, turned and continued. Right behind it came a mink in hot pursuit. The mink had moved in and cleared out the red squirrels, the chipmunks, and the brown forest rats. I told it that it could stay as long as it left the birds alone.
That worked out well for us.
Another year our daughter went out to open up and found a row of 9 ducklings with their heads pulled out under the door. A mink had gotten in and killed one and not being able to pull it out under the door went back for another. It worked its way through all of our ducklings before giving up.
I caught that one. It’s pelt is in my workshop.
I have a live and let live policy as long as they don’t touch our animals.
Thanks. I’ve been struggling with that.
Question…how do I write the link so that it works everywhere? I’m struggling with links that work for me but not for other people.
Cool. I’ll do the same. Thanks.
Welcome. Happy to have you here.
I updated the New Communities post, sidebar, and title of the group to welcome other types of birds while their own communities gather. We’re happy to provide care and comfort for those communities until they do.
Parrots are welcome!
Those who are inter-chickened are welcome.
We’re happy to have you chicken and egg interested fediverse citizen.
Thanks for checking. I’m sure they will get this worked out eventually.
Damnation! None of the three work? I tried to follow the instructions but it seems to change the links depending on which instance you’re coming in from.
Sweet. I’m still learning. Thanks for checking.
Has Google considered making their advertising engine better? Allow us to skip every ad. Allow us to block all those fucking cryptocurrency scam ads. Forcing me to watch an ad for a company that I’m not interested in guarantees that I will hate that company and never buy their product even if I need it. I will go out of my way to buy something from a company that hasn’t tried to ram their advertisements down my throat. If ads weren’t so fucking terrible I might agree to watch them.