The odd part is that it was running fine until the upgrade.
The odd part is that it was running fine until the upgrade.
I used the Lemmy-Easy-Deploy method but the catch is that I migrated from Google Cloud Free Tier to a paid server with another host. I have the backups so I can always restore from that if I really have to. I have an env file with the password that it should be using but I’m not sure how it was changed…
What Cloudflare API am I supposed to use?
Good point. I did follow a few accounts I already follow on Mastodon. But then I thought “I have a Mastodon account already… Why am I doing this?”
And the Emojis instead of starring a post was throwing me off.
edit: I see there is a star online now. Maybe it was just the Kimis app that was weird.
Is Firefish the same thing as Calckey?
I created a Calckey account a couple of weeks ago but it was basically a weird Mastodon with even fewer people from what I could tell.
I’m think I’m seeing a trend…
This is android only, correct?
I’ve been doing the same. I have all 4 but most of my time is spent on Memmy but Mlem is quickly catching up.
Wow, it hadn’t even crossed my mind that people ALREADY might not recognize it.
I’ve been testing both and I definitely prefer Memmy overall. Mlem has better image display options and has search. Memmy doesn’t display images unless you tap on the post. Search should be released in the next day or two, though.
Artemis being an Apollo clone had me very excited, though.
Edit: new app just released on TestFlight showing real promise: Limbo
I couldn’t get my container started with postgress running but I had an idea:
I started the upgrade process with Lemmy-Easy-Deploy,
canceled out of it before it removed the containers,
sudo docker exec -i lemmy-easy-deploy-postgres-1 psql -U lemmy -c "alter user lemmy with password 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'"
with the password set in my
file,then restarted the upgrade process. It’s running again.