SAME its happened on Reddit where I would have a back and forth w someone where we disagreed but it was respectful, and then in the middle of it I’d notice the other person’s comments being -1 even new ones. Meaning someone who isnt in the convo would start downvoting the other person, and I’d be like ‘what if they think I did it? What if that damages a mutual understanding they were close to reaching? What if that turns them off from considering a different point of view bc they assume I’m doing it and that I’m hostile?’ Then sometimes I’d be like “sorry someone is downvoting you its not me”
I feel like it might show them that doing nice things is a way to get attention. Maybe that’ll encourage them to do nice things. Is probably more favourable than influencers that teach doing mean things is ok because it’s on camera or it’s funny or just a joke, and that being mean is a way to get attention. Though its important for children to know that attention isnt everything.