But you can’t ask an addict to start resisting their addiction, if the have nothing else.
They need something to resist it for. If they don’t have that, their next high IS the most important thing to them.
And this whole thing where we keep saying “the addiction will win every time” promotes a defeatist attidue towards helping these people that has lead to policies that are literally killing them.
The addiction doesn’t win every time. If that were true there wouldn’t be any saving any addict ever.
Addicts can and will turn anything and everything of value given to them into money, that can then buy them another high, but that CANNOT be used as an excuse to refuse to help them.
Institutionlize, maybe, but that’s a healthcare problem, not a homeless problem. And that kind of help should be available to a person before they are ever put out of a home.
They edited their response. When I responded there was only one paragraph and the stuff about the support not just being money wasn’t even aknowledged in their comment.