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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 19th, 2023


  • I think part of the unpopular reception is that those of us that suffer intractable sleep issues are told this constantly by people who just don’t understand it or are just out to shit on people they think are lazy.

    From my parents convinced that I was useless and lazy, to co-workers who are sure I’m just too stupid to be able to sleep well, to partners I’ve had in the past… Always explaining to me how I’m doing something wrong, and surely if you just try to sleep you can. No. No I can’t. No matter what I do, even sleep aids are only effective for a week or two at the most.

    It’s insulting to constantly hear people tell me that I just need to do this, or that and I’ll be able to sleep. Yes, I see it says many of us, but decades of being shit on for something we can’t control takes a toll.

    I’ve struggled for 30 years to sleep ‘acceptable’ hours. At best, I can wake up early if I have to, and I do a lot because my child’s school starts way too damn early on the weeks she’s with me, and I’m on-call every other week when she’s not. That means I get 3-4 hours sleep most week nights. I’m too old for this shit, but I have no choice and no options. We know that not sleeping enough can have severe effects on physical and mental health, but if you aren’t on a ‘normal’ schedule that goes out the window.

  • This attitude is maddening. I am diagnosed with delayed sleep phase syndrome that will turn into a non 24 hour rhythm if I let it. I’ve worked with sleep doctors all over the country, most recently Duke.

    I’m lucky that my work lets me start at 11am, I don’t get enough sleep those days but better than it could be.

    Unfortunately I’m on call every other week, so forcing my clock to reset isn’t an option. It takes me 6 to 10 weeks to get to societies ideal sleep schedule, and a single night of interrupted sleep to undo all that work

    The weeks I’m not on call are my weeks with my daughter, who has to be at school at 730 and there’s no bus for her to ride.

    Either week, my schedule is fucked and I’m in a haze all the time. Helpfully anyone who finds out about it just tells me to excercise more (makes no difference, ive done a lot of testing and exclusion), stop caffeine (tried it), stop using screens of any kind after work (been there), or any other thing that they think I am doing wrong and causing the problem.

    I did not expect to rant that much… I completely agree, science means nothing in the face of feelings and preconceived notions.

  • I’m regards to to dressing for the job, No?

    This is an antiquated and brain dead take. I am paid well, work hard, am very respected by my peers, customers, and anyone who has dealt with me professionally.

    I also wear a shirt about 5% of the time I’m working, pants less so. I bet you’d be shocked how much of the modern world you rely on is built, innovated, and maintained by people who wear what you think is disrespectful.

    The kinds of dinosaurs and their progeny that think dress makes a single bit of difference in ability, commitment, or respect are the same kinds of people, in general, that think women shouldn’t be allowed to think for themselves.