When I’m separated from my partner at festivals and need to find them, I shriek like dactyl… they shriek back… and we converge. It has worked every time.
When I’m separated from my partner at festivals and need to find them, I shriek like dactyl… they shriek back… and we converge. It has worked every time.
I drank pods and drip for years before ordering a pourover thingy. The first time I tried nice, freshly ground pourover it was like I was drinking coffee for the first time. The taste is sooooo much better! I’ve also done French press, but pourover is easier to clean. I like pourover better than anything else.
I can’t drink coffee anymore—caffeine ruins my body and makes me think I’m dying. But I miss it so!
d60 gang
Maaaaan when I was a teen, 3,5 of okay stuff was 60USD. How far we’ve come.
Still cheaper from peeps than stores
Plus ya can get other fun stuff that stores don’t sell!
How do they get fuel in their cars then, girl magic?
Your sense of humour is great, I’d wager.
Reddit only upvotes the same rehashed, repeated, stupid Reddit phrases spewed ad nauseam. You’ll always be upvoted for “play stupid games, win stupid prizes!!!111” or calling people Karens, or “equal rights, equal lefts” and all that absolute twaddle.
There’s oodles of torrents on one of my private trackers labeled WOC—With original commercials. I LOVE THEM, such a fascinating look into my childhood.
I refuse to watch any commercials made since 2006.