Probably best with a light weight DE
Probably best with a light weight DE
What program/website would i use to do that
Most people i talk to are also tech savvy but i haven’t convinced them of linux yet so it comes up often
Okay i will try to figure it out, i think he bought the bitcoin himself but with help from an old friend who he no longer has contact with maybe the first few letters of each item on the list is the first few letters of words in the phrase
I know not to share it, but what can i do if i then cant find the seed phrase? Is there then any way to get it back
I think like a year ago, and people also talked about anticheat blocking wine on roblox back then
I have to restart popos too, on my laptop, sometimes it doesnt start after opening it, idk doesnt really matter
I have played roblox on grapefruit on popos what do you mean
Virtual machine
I think it’s a combination of the steam deck, people learning that Linux isn’t really that hard, and Microsoft breaking there reputation by spitting out windows 11 when they promised that windows 10 would be the last, and windows 11 having higher requirements so people with older computers is now looking at alternatives and the people who haven’t switched to 11 being stressed about windows 12 comming, and then therefore searching for alternatives
My recommendation would be help them learn, ask them if they really want to do it, and then teach them the basics and help them with what to search for, and teach them how to google properly, because though most people use google, most people don’t know how to really find something on google because they don’t understand the basics of how it works
YouTube vanced, I just had a very sad few years on iOS, boy did I miss YouTube vanced