We probably don’t agree.
I probably said something you didn’t like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Spot on. My wife and I are actually making plans to move overseas. I’m ready to get out of here, but she wants to wait until the next federal election to get a guage on where things will be heading. In the meantime, we’re saving as much money as we possibly can, because Australia isn’t the country it used to be, and it’s clear that we’re both deeply-incompatible with the general culture of apathy, government trust, and rules, rules, rules. It’s suffocating.

  • Audibly encouraging fights among males literally ties into the theory. The hypothesis is that female moaning attracts nearby males, the males want to procreate, but only one male’s genetics are going to actually form a child, and it is in the species’ best interests for that child to contain the DNA of the most-likely-to-survive and procreate. It doesn’t matter whether the guys all form an orderly queue to some daily gangbang (which was absolutely NOT the case), or start fighting amongst themselves to be the only one with a chance (which includes the possibility that another had ejaculated inside her prior to this) - the purpose of her vocalizing was to encourage males in the area to compete, especially if she’s already in the middle of the act. There’s enough merit here to suggest further study into the area, especially given that neither of our theories are proven.

    You seem to be fixated on an argument I’ve not made, and I may not have worded it clearly enough. I’m not suggesting that primitive human females started moaning in an attempt to initiate a gangbang because cave-dwelling women were insatiable whores or whatever. I’m suggesting that those vocalizations were a method to incite breeding competition between males in the area, and that this aids natural selection.

  • I don’t know how I know the answer to this, and I’ll try to keep it brief and simplify something more complex than I can go into given I’m typing on my phone, but here goes:

    This goes wayyyyyyy back into our past as human beings. Women largely vocalize more than men during sex as a way to signal to other males in the area that sex is happening and that they should join in. It’s encouragement for the male, but it goes deeper (heh) than that - the human penis is quite large as far as body to dick ratio for animals goes, and there are two reasons for that; the head is designed to ‘scoop’ competing males’ semen out with each thrust in preparation for replacing it with the dick-haver’s own, while the longer shaft allows deeper penetration in order to scoop as much as possible.

    So basically, when a woman moans loudly, it’s signifying she’s ready to go, and that the strongest male in a group will be the one to eventually impregnate her. It’s literally a survival of the fittest mechanism.

    Now obviously that isn’t the reason for it these days, as we’re all aware that our intelligence as a species makes sex a vastly more complex thing than it is for other animals at this point in our evolutionary path, but that’s what researchers believe is the origin of sexy female noises.

    EDIT: This is a legitimate hypothesis. Not everything is some modern social construct with no link to any evolutionary advantages and survival of the fittest. I’m sorry if this challenges your narrow worldview.

  • It’s very telling when the only criticism you really see leveled against Brave is that same article everybody posts as some kind of trap card, despite the fact it can be boiled down to “don’t use Brave because the CEO is a bigot or something, and you have to opt out of their crypto stuff.” Cool. I don’t care about those things, I care about the browser’s ability to do what I need it to, and Brave does. Are you putting your trust in a company that could be selling your data? Sure, that’s always a risk, but until it’s been confirmed, I’m happy to stick with it. I mean shit, it even beats out GrapheneOS’s Vanadium in the fingerprinting test, and that’s the browser I use on my phone.

    imo, the hate against Brave is unfounded and seems to be coming from the anti-Chromium crowd. There are valid arguments to be made against it, but I honestly couldn’t give less of a fuck what their CEO believes as long as the product works as advertised, and Brave consistently scores highly in privacy and security tests.