“If there were an Oscar for best theatrical performance by a country, Israel would win every year. It’s a country based on theater. It’s a lunatic state - completely insane”.
Norman Finkelstein
F-Droid needs to be audited to make sure no backdoors have been installed. Otherwise funding FOSS is one of the few good things any government can do.
If this can compress PDF I’d use it. I don’t want to pay for subscription to Adobe just to reduce the file size.
I think macOS still supports : for directory delimiting, a legacy of Classic Mac OS, though it has been deprecated for a while.
Windows NT supports both / and \.
Reminder: Palestine was liberated once before from the Crusaders and not by convincing the European invaders of human rights or any other value but through force.
No one should be delusional that a western colonial project backed by western powers will someday recognize the humanity of Palestinians. The only principle that the west understands is might makes right. That is the principle they have applied towards colonized peoples. Everything they say above human rights is a thin veneer over that brutal truth.
More western hypocrisy and racism. Nothing new. Hopefully they will become irrelevant sooner than later.
Palestinians have a right to armed resistance. This right is protected under international laws.
Palestinians have a legal right to resist occupation even violently
But he is guilty of neither
Liberals didn’t even get a chance to oppose the genocide in Gaza -or mock Palestinians for suffering it- now that the war ended.
My employer accidentally gave me two laptops. So technically I’m signed in to the network daily even on weekends. In reality I go weeks at times without going to the office. My productivity has not suffered at all.
How would this work without breaking cryptography? The whole point of a good cipher is that the algorithm can be public and widely understood, and all that’s needed for it to be secure is for the private key to be private. A cipher that has some backdoor -master key- is by design insecure and no sane person should use it. Security through obscurity doesn’t work, trying to keep the algorithm private won’t work, someone sooner or later will break it.
Yes, but the government now is admitting to it
So most Americans are being monitored?
I stick to the default settings and repos, and only change very few things, such as keyboard layout and wallpaper.