Well, I am no expert on the topic, but I guess it could be used to justify some action?
Well, I am no expert on the topic, but I guess it could be used to justify some action?
It matters, just not in as much as one might hope. It is mostly a symbolic step, true, because no one will arrest a sitting president. But it shows that the court is observing and condemning the actions. Think of what might come after: Trump couldn’t enter quite a few countries without fear of arrest once he is no longer president. Same with Putin, or Netanyahu. It makes international action so much easier if you can just say “well, there is a warrant out for you, so you better not show up”. Become a refugee? Better not go to a country that might uphold the warrant. Regime change in your current country of residence? Better think fast, the new administration might just need a reason to take you in.
Oh god, I had such weird issues with audio on my manjaro desktop with pulseaudio … Never touched anything related to sound on that system again, out of fear everything would break down again. I didn’t switch to pipewire until years later.
Well, maybe not a moratorium, but I certainly would appreciate some peace and quiet.
That did surprise me as well. I might need to readjust my opinion of him.
Huh, feels like someone in their intelligence service realised “oh wow, you can sabotage infrastructure that way and pretend it was an accident!” and their handler decided to just do that and nothing else. Sure won’t help chinese merchant vessels and will probably damage any relations longterm. Good job, Xi.
A) “You” as in your mammalian cells don’t care about (most) antibiotics. Your intestinal microbiome does, however. But it doesn’t exactly get resistant. B) Antibiotica used in medicine are generally reserved for medical purposes. High usage in agriculture is not pretty, sure, and certainly won’t help multi-resistant pathogen issues, but your statement is wrong regardless.
“culturual differences” what the actual fuck.
This would be close to the maximum possible sentence in Germany, I assume France has similar rules.
Well, thank you for your explanation and the positivity! Always welcome :) Merry Christmas/Kwanza/Holidays
I feel left out, what drama did I miss?
Hm, would you burn oil to fight climate change? Fell trees to advertise for forest preservation?
It’s the age old question of whether the ends do justify the means.
What do you mean “too easy to piss off a German”, do you want trouble? I’ll give you some you lousy … samba dancer.
Debatable, considering that with relativity and all one might age slower, thus pushing into a lower age braked.
Disclaimer a: Great shower thought! Disclaimer b: I am really bad a physics, make me rip if needed.
Tough luck, this might affect his grandkid, not the kid. Epigenetic imprinting (the semi-permanent kind) is done during oogenesis, which if I am right occurs during pregnancy.
Trust me bro(ette): Rubber duck is the SHIT. I don’t even program save for a few rare instances, but any complex issue where you just know something is wrong but can’t quite put your finger on it? It works miracles. A lot better tbf if you are actually explaining it to someone who can ask questions, but any object that you can look at is a good substitute.
I appreciate your rambling, but I think you might appreciate some time off of the internet.