This resonates so well with me… First time I’ve read it as “inability to direct attention” and it makes so much sense. So many long sessions looking up random crap on Wikipedia instead of completing tasks, which ultimately only end up taking like 5-30 min usually… And that’s after pushing it back for days or weeks. I’ve not been diagnosed, but often find descriptions and memes hitting a bit too close to home.
I can add Wrzeszcz for perspective. It may not be in a row, but no 8 letter word should have 3 zs
Damn that’s amazing. What can it do?
Yeah I accidentally the whole thing. Good times
That reminds me of the time i accidentally 93MB of .rar files
What a defeatist attitude. I have no doubt we’ll find a way to end the world within this millennium at most
We also drew dickibutt
Lmao never seen this before
Nobody would qualify as CEO at any company I’ve worked for if those were the rules. I’d love to see someone try to estimate the exact value added by any single software developer working in a team
Wouldn’t have gotten it at all if not for your comment
Yeah a kilo of steel is way heavier than a kilo of feathers