I think you mean ZEUSLAP, HGFRTREE, and GREBEAR.
Oh, and they’re all the exact same product.
I think you mean ZEUSLAP, HGFRTREE, and GREBEAR.
Oh, and they’re all the exact same product.
The way country music romanticizes (read: shills) Jack Daniels you’d think it’s the greatest spirit ever distilled, rather than the disgusting swill it actually is.
Yep, I swore off any and all Chrysler products over a decade ago.
I know of a bar that still has these. They were also the very last bar in the city to have a real jukebox with CDs. Honestly it’s a great place but the bathrooms are awful.
In addition, ordering online from Walmart is every bit as bad as Amazon with the heaps and heaps of low quality Chinese junk sold under brand names that only exist for a few weeks at a time.
they’re outta control
I’ve also seen them at Michaels and Dollar General recently. Unfortunately they are not nearly as good as my memories of them and I ended up throwing half the bag away.
HAHA wow Italian food joke holy fuck this is cringy shit
The “smart part” absolutely makes those TVs bad. The meme even addresses this with the line about hardware being ripped wholesale from an old smart phone. Smart TV hardware barely functions when it’s brand new. Fuck everything about smart TVs.
For some reason “idspispopd” is the one I always remember.
As a kid, my family’s first VCR was a Daewoo. Imagine my surprise when we passed some road construction and I saw the Daewoo excavators and other heavy machinery. Later on, a girl in my highschool class had a Daewoo car. That one blew my mind even more for some reason.
edit: forgot a word
5th Gen iPod Video for me, circa 2006. I actually loved the device, but having to use the trash software that was iTunes is what radicalized me.
I don’t wear glasses and I still find my quest 3s pretty uncomfortable. I can’t play for more than an hour at a time.
When sending money I usually just gives some money to the group at the end of the show by hand
Lmao WHAT? You don’t seriously expect people to believe this…do you?
I see about 200 different truck drivers every week and know them all by name. Whether they use a sleeper cab or not has absolutely no correlation to their tech skills and a solid 50% of them struggle to do basic things on their smartphone.
Imagine bragging about how much you drink to some randos on the internet.
and for those few things they’re not allowed to lie about they pull out every trick in the book to come as close to lying as possible without outright doing it.
I’ve used most of these and quite frankly they are not good. Each of them quit working randomly or wouldn’t play certain tracks and wouldn’t get an update for days or weeks, at which point I’d move on to the next and get exactly the same experience. They’re FOSS apps, and I’m fairly certain Google is to blame for breaking them, but even so if they are unusable for days or weeks at a time I cannot recommend them.
If you just want a YouTube app with no ads and background playback I would recommend PipePipe. It’s what I’ve settled on after trying everything else, and it’s fantastic. Google breaks it all the time, but updates very quickly bring it back online.
If you want something FOSS that’s closer to the YT Music experience, I don’t know what to tell you.