How could this possibly be ruled as Constitutional? Let alone any remaining shadow of ‘party of small government’ irony, that shipped sailed into the West a long, long time ago.
How could this possibly be ruled as Constitutional? Let alone any remaining shadow of ‘party of small government’ irony, that shipped sailed into the West a long, long time ago.
There’s also a third audience most people don’t consider: everyone reading the thread that isn’t engaging directly.
You might not convince the direct ‘opponent’ in an internet debate, but can still make an impact on others that might be more open to listening to a new perspective.
you’re the arbiter of the free market now, eh
Broadcasting on TV these days is less likely to reach a wide audience than posting on the internet, but a platform is a platform.
I have a DS418play which is several generations behind and it runs a dozen Docker containers, including all of my media automation, just fine. I even host a Minecraft server for my nephews!
And fully supported by Synology, too! They are pretty good at embracing the community while still keeping security as a priority.
Yeah, but it kinda makes him a hypocrite now, don’t it?
“The takeaway I got is that she wants to turn our schools into pedophile molestation factories,” DePape testified
Honest question: what does “pedophile molestation factory” even mean?!
I’m sure he would also be the first to complain if someone stronger beat him and wanted to play by their rules, too.
It’s harder and less effective with more districts, however.
I’m sure he is equally disgusted by the displays of heterosexuality in most parades, or maybe he is blind to that because that’s “normal”.
Most sitcom actors run into that. I’m sure Jim Parsons won’t ever be seen as anyone else, or for an older example all of the cast of Seinfeld (arguably besides Julia).
No, the two party ‘system’ is a natural byproduct of how our current election process works. If we saw the rise of a third party, it would eventually supplant one of the existing major parties, just like we’ve seen in the past.
By what metric is the US “the world’s leader”?
How would such a thing be financially viable? Once the ability to connect to any website exists, the physical cost to access everything else is essential nothing.
Israel is a country, not a religion.
I know this from personal experience after reading the entirety of the Left Behind book series as they were published. At the start I was spending my summers in the equivalent of that Jesus Camp documentary, and by the time I finished was at the end of my personal deconversion journey and come out the other side as an opinionated college atheist.
So, yeah, quite terrifying to see that kink for the apocalypse continue to play out in front of us.
That video is included in the article, it’s just at the very bottom for some reason.
I should just start over and try again, probably did something silly that screwed things up.
In a civil case like this, admitting they were wrong is way more embarrassing than having to pay a fine.