Have you had covid? I have had a similar experience, and I suspect it’s a form of long covid affecting cognitive abilities and memory. You may want to look into it, as this is currently being studied.
Have you had covid? I have had a similar experience, and I suspect it’s a form of long covid affecting cognitive abilities and memory. You may want to look into it, as this is currently being studied.
That’s not the sick burn it once was, now that Hasbro owns them both.
The ultimate conceit is that infinities are a wonderfully engaging concept, but truly comprehending them as a tangible thing is inherently futile. We want to make these comparisons. They do, in some ways, hold some kind of meaningful as a concept, because we like one thing to be bigger or better than the other. But, at the scale of infinity, these comparisons are arbitrary and largely meaningless in any practical way.
The mind-bending thing about it is thus: there are an infinite multitude of “you” throughout the multiverse expressing every “you” that could, or even could not, be. However, there are infinitely more realities with no “you” at all. The set of infinities containing an expression of “you” is necessarily smaller than the set of infinities that do not contain an expression of “you” simply owing to the very narrow nature of eventualities required to express “you” into existence. In point of fact, that set if infinitesimal labeled “you” is infinitesimal in comparison to the set labeled “not you”, and yet still uncountable in its infinity.
I’m aware. I’ve been through half a dozen of them and don’t want to buy another. An aux cord costs $5 and last practically forever unless you abuse them. My car has built-in Bluetooth, but it has a weird delay and randomly disconnects, mutes, or starts changing what I’m playing on my phone like a remote is pressing buttons.
1/4"? Feh. I use only XLR for my audio needs. /elitist audiophile
I bought a USB-to-aux adapter because my current phone does not have a headphone jack and my vehicle doesn’t have Bluetooth. I use it literally every day, sometimes for hours. It’s utter nonsense that they are getting rid of them.
Ah, yes, everyone’s favorite Dorito flavor, Dick Kicker.
How common was this? That was precisely how I discovered porn. Found a Hustler magazine on a trail I used as a shortcut between housing developments on my paper route when I was 11. Then found a whole stash of them in another part of the woods near a tree fort I built with some friends.
Sounds familiar. I wonder what it is about cider and malt beverages that suddenly don’t settle?
The O’Brian!
He SuuufFfFfffeerRrrrs
Sarcastic: Indeed.
Wow. So that’s how you can actually do sarcasm on the interwebs!
Came here for this. I enjoy all three flavors of Mint, personally. XFCE is probably one of the best “lightweight” distros put there and rarely gets mentioned. Cinnamon is perfect for anyone looking for a more user-friendly Ubuntu derivative, and LMDE is probably the most approachable Debian distro out there.
Mint is a great starter distro for just about everybody.
I can understand why you might feel that way, as I did use some generalities. I don’t take issue with people of faith, being one myself. I take issue with bigots, idolaters and hypocrites who pay lip service to their “faith” while using cherry picked and deliberate misquotes of scripture to harm others. Especially when those same people can rarely ever directly quote any of Jesus’ direct commandments. They sure can quote Paul, though.
This conclusion has nothing to do with the internet. It comes from having to live with these people. It comes from having their vitriol literally screamed in my face. The internet is somehow more sane than the reality I have to live in most days.
I’ve said this 1,000 times, and I’ll repeat it as often as I need to.
The Left is arguing Human Rights. The Right is arguing Property Rights. Conservative values are very clear that women are not seen as independent individuals, but as property of their fathers and then their husbands. Women are chattel. This mentality permeates and pervades every aspect of Conservative ideology where women are concerned. Men must protect women. Not because it benefits the woman, though they will tell women that they should be grateful for the protection. Men must protect their property, they must protect their investment in that woman. It’s important to understand that Conservatives view all non-white, non-male, queer, and non-Conservatives as inherently inferior, requiring their guidance and control to conform to their superior ideology, or extermination if they refuse.
View everything they say and do through that lens, and everything makes perfect sense.
Spock in the Warp Core - Tamarian version of “The needs of the many…”
Kirk, his voice broken - An uncharacteristic display of emotion.
This might be the best Trekkified variant of this meme. Love it.
I cannot relate.