The us was complicit in this attack
The us was complicit in this attack
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Respect is earned not given out to people who want a human slave
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Half of the Palestinian population is children but don’t let that stop you thirsting for the blood of kids whose land you stole, I hope the middle east erases facist state Israel off the map
Scum Israelis
It’s not mask off, lots of people don’t support the genocidal nazi esque Israelis, they created these unspeakable conditions for the Palestinians and then act like surprised picachu when illegal settlers get murked
I’m sure you’d be cool with another country just giving another country half of yours.
I’m loving watching this piece of shit distressed like a fish out of water
Most beauty standards are held by women tbh
Poor boomer, your gen pulled the ladder up firmly behind yas, every gen since is living harder lives than our parents, thanks for fucking up our future
Why do they all seem to rock the amish look?
Hello fbi
Skeet skeet motherfucka
911 was a glorious day