But you can throw people out of your community? Then some communities will be a lot better off than others
But you can throw people out of your community? Then some communities will be a lot better off than others
If i care for area for years, build, plant etc, someone else can come take it?
Last season was painfully bad
Most right wingers seem to be against polluting nature and ocean though, its the co2 stuff thats a harder sell
Thats not what im saying. But if you were to change sweden to communism now, say the communism party wins. Would that be successful?
Paypal is horrible.
A country never exists in vacuum. So when would this work?
Im pretty sure 95% of farmers would aggressively disagree with you. Lots of farmers in my country burn out from over working. Unless you are talking about a hobby farm for personal use
Thats the fun stuff, but theres lots of stuff that has to be done in a society thats not fun.
Most people in the west can work less, if they are willing to sacrifice comfort, material goods etc.
Hmm, who decides when they have too much area, and stops them from not following rules?