House and senate are nothing but closet fascist enablers at this point
House and senate are nothing but closet fascist enablers at this point
Oddly enough that’s exactly what corporate wants. Mindless drones to do their bidding unquestioned
So impeach the fuckhead, fuckhead
Most of us know they are just one side of the political coin. Easy to flip, hard to call
You can still buy that stuff in cans
Sometimes I think heliboard uses the same algorithm
Cowardly sycophants giving their “divine” leader his wishes without question
When has he ever? His whole selling point is a scofflaw
Dementia is a persnickety business
Chinese style architecture
Kinda sad ya gotta legislate something that friggin obvious
Are Japanese folks immune?
She should divorce his ass
Musk bought him his election so he owes him
I do that almost daily. Have to keep my bp in check somehow
He’s got his daddy Vlad singing lullabies
The less of a joke it is, the more of a joke he is
Do it honey. Make em pay for suckin orange ass