Downloading pre-patched ReVanced apks can be unsafe, get the manager and patch them yourself instead
Downloading pre-patched ReVanced apks can be unsafe, get the manager and patch them yourself instead
Where does the assumption that owners of these devices care about updates comes from? I regularly see people still using Windows 7, willing to use sketchy workarounds to continue using it. We all wish that this would mean The Year Of The Linux Desktop in 2025, but that would mean users would have to suddenly start caring about their OS.
I guess the article title has been changed, now it says “indefinite hospital order” which, as far as I understand, means reevaluation every 6 months until he’s deemed “safe” to society.
For anyone wanting to learn more there’s a bigclive video covering the extraction process.
I know this is a piracy board, but please don’t steal from your school and just get a cracked copy if you need it.
FWIF I’ve tried TickTick and Todoist with paid plans, Google Tasks, Microsoft Todo and probably a few other free apps, and personally have settled on HedgeDoc for lists and Telegram for reminders. Nothing beats their simplicity and reliability.
For a completely offline solution KeepassXC also can do TOTP.
Sorry but what’s the problem? Just use a TOTP authenticator, they work completely offline and are even more secure than SMS 2FA. For Android I would recommend Aegis.
To be fair, most first world countries seem to have settled on 18 for all of this. I think the wrong assumption is that the age limits are related to each-other, while they’ve been brought into law at different points in history and there hasn’t been a need to change them. There are also the environmental factors, such as the driving age in the USA probably being lower as a consequence of a car-centric culture.
I don’t think so? There’s “Find My” network from Apple and there’s this one from Google. The only intercompatibility planned is the alerts for unknown trackers following you.
Day XXX of conservatives making liberals look cool by accident.
Well it used to be good, even non techy users knew that IE sucked and when their “computer-whizkid” nephew recommended Chrome it was genuinely faster and leaner than competition. And I’ve almost forgot the fact that they’ve advertised chrome (maybe they still do) on the main Google page that gets like billions of pageviews.
FWIW they at least have their own indexer instead of relying on bing/yandex (looking at you ddg). Although I guess selling content you’ve crawled as your own is still a pretty shady thing to do.
There’s a project I’m using that has a lead dev from Russia, so for him that’s the only way to receive money. Crypto has been overwhelmingly overtaken by grifters, but there are still uses that just made easier by a decentralized currency.
Surely a browser with a market share 2% that of Chrome’s (not total!) doing this will change anything. Surely when Google implements this and your bank and government websites start requiring your browser be “secure” users aren’t going to just switch back to chrome where “everything just works”.
From a psychological view, the best we can do is provide the information and hope that they come to the right conclusion themselves. You’re almost never going to convince a person by telling them that they’re wrong, and surely not by talking how their children are going to suffer and their house is going to get flooded.
I mean the 2 year drum up to elections so that even my nan who doesn’t speak a word of English knows all of the candidates. US is also on the front of the culture wars as well as popular entertainment, so there’s a lot of that as well. Anyway, I’m sharing my personal experience and don’t feel like there’s a need to argue about that, if your local TV presents you a balanced world view great for you.
Listen to this advice if the data is important to you. Also probably don’t do anything else to the card just in case you would make it worse.
“What’s a Computer?”