Pisay Pao. Z Nation was fun.
Pisay Pao. Z Nation was fun.
Free HOV lane access? Score!
It helps folks who are positioned to buy the dip.
Ah, sorry, I was myopic in my response. Hopefully you find something good soon.
I’m looking for a replacement for dickies
Maybe check out Duluth Trading Company?
How else can you be certain of the diagnoses?
How can she slap?!
It’s important to remember our history.
Yes, it’s only now that war seems like a possibility they should consider.
Right, he isn’t saying it to us, but folks who would invest in the company due to their majority position in the processor space powering the current LLM’s.
And farmer’s mums.
Can you differentiate staying out of the lane to pass from staying out of the passing lane? Don’t try to bring your petulant road anger to me, silly goose. You have even less power and impression here than on the road. Allow me to demonstrate with my next reply.
Yes, exactly. So try to realize that not keeping out of the lane to pass is still an infraction on your part and let traffic enforcement do their job. It’s actually easier for them to witness you impeding multiple vehicles and pull you over than to track down everyone passing you, so don’t get yourself into a completely avoidable situation. Nobody passes you and later on reflects on the point you were trying to make.
While you have some good points, it seems you may be missing one in that if you are constantly getting passed in that manner, you are causing a problem, regardless of what is posted. Most western law systems have a provision against impeding the flow of traffic.
Call center “management” is typically not an actual manager, and definitely not involved with the decision either.
Yes! Maybe a service for flicks that streams over the internet.
That’s why you always leave a note.
Maybe consider how far to the center/right democrats actually are and let that inform your decision. Is it possible a blue state recently convened a “safety summit” for their corporate overlords in the wake of a mostly positively-received act of self defense in their state? Pass revoked.