Mine has worked fine for the past 4 years. What’s wrong with them?
Mine has worked fine for the past 4 years. What’s wrong with them?
Mmm, hours at the computer, creating all these demonic potions of alchemy +XXX.
Wait, there was a second movie?
I wish I knew more women and men who liked rock climbing. It’s so fucking flat here, and I can’t find anyone who wants to take vacations to go climb.
I’ve heard from several people who are in an older generation than I am about this, but it goes something like this: Date foreigners, and even better, if you can go to that country for a little while and find someone willing to be your wife there, marry them and bring them back.
It’s always been off-putting when someone can say things like that in an earnest manner.
I would hope every single high school graduate could remember the simple pictograph of how communication works:
That encoding bit is pretty important…
They finally got Hands?
There are plenty of racists that are happy to let abortion be a thing. I’ve heard (and lost count of how many times) repeatedly about planned parenthood being started by a racist, etc. etc. The republicans aren’t a complete monomind, they just get along really well at the ‘we hate others’ party that their leaders throw.
30 days to change address if you move within the state, 90 if from outside. 521.054, 521.029
30 days for car registration - 502.040
Even better. It’s only when you’re rich that you actually pay less taxes in Texas. See how they’re anagrams?
No, there are plenty that do it. Not weekly, but most do it yearly. I’ve known nondenominational places, lutheran, baptist, episcopalian, and methodists that do.
I’d say, based on the political atmosphere and outlook of the next 7-8 years, that the next census is too far off to depend on. Imagine if it’s unbearable enough to send a significant portion of people out of any swing states, and that could clinch 2028. I doubt the insanity will have lessened in time for project2029…
It’s gotten to the point I don’t even talk to people who bring up the topic. You can quote any number of statistics, but they’ve “dun seen that californian moving in up the road, so there’s the proof right there!” I guess the fact that on a ~21 house road, we’ve got Carolingians, Alabamians, Tex(i)ans, Michiganders, and some Arkansaws folks means that people are fleeing blue states, sure, ayup.
*The post’s language is intentional >.>
I mean, I can’t think of another sect of christianity that requires special underwear. Outerwear, sure, but underwear? Creepy.
It depends. The battery issue is a nonissue, but the short trip can absolutely have an effect. It takes longer for your engine to reach true operating temperature than the oil/water coolant to get to temp. There’s videos out there that can explain the equations for larger engines, but if the drive is less than 15 minutes, it’s likely he’s building up carboxylic acids from nonvaporized water in the pistons. That ain’t a good thing.
Scaled? Is that an instance-specific thing you have? I don’t have it on mine.
The only issue with that summary is that the people who voted to remove the representative willing to compromise were the GOP nutjobs AND the entirety of the 208 DNC representatives that were present. While I’m sure they had some political reason (aside from the popcorn moments), they showed that they, too, weren’t going to help someone willing to compromise.
A lot of people will upvote you if you say “tankie bad” as well. Branch out a little. Give it a try!
Sure, tomatoes bad, but have you tried jalapenos?
Jr. came from egg.