Serbian students have been occupying most university faculties for months to organise and facilitate the protests. You don’t get your leaders to step down by complaining on the internet.
Serbian students have been occupying most university faculties for months to organise and facilitate the protests. You don’t get your leaders to step down by complaining on the internet.
Right wingers when someone left of centre appears: I don’t think you’re right but you make valid points on xyz
Lol this is just pure fantasy
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I feel like it’s just that the fact that the democrats were sabotaging their own chances of winning to support a genocide does not align with some peoples view that the democrats are the ‘good guys’.
‘Man’ isn’t ‘designated’ to anything. We just exist and are sentient and able to think about what we would like our lives to look like. Most people would like to live a life beyond working 40 hours a week on a job they don’t enjoy and where they have no say in anything. We have enough resources to make sure everyone has a home and food and can live a fulfilling life, if only those resources were divided in a fair way.
Microplastics stay in the body forever, fats, carbs and salts don’t.
Double standards would be correct since EU member states send weapons to Israel that are being used to commit genocide.
China’s top 1% income share is lower than US and Russia. Top 10% income share is also lower in China.
Serbian protests had the support of most of the general population. The students faced a lot of state violence as well, but this only made their case stronger and caused more people to join. Protests like these for the most part are a numbers game. The more people join in the safer it is. The US population has been pacified and I see the only way to improve conditions is to agitate and depacify.
So you’re right that the condition in the US are different and that a different approach might be needed, but sitting by and doing nothing will for sure not help. I’m really tired of people on lemmy throwing their hands in the air while less fortunate people are being harmed by your government’s actions. It pains me to see how little people actually care if it turns out they need to actually make sacrifices to change anything.