@monsterpiece42 @trashhalo as much as we struggle to see how the masses use technology I also wonder how many tech people just don’t care how normal non-tech people use their devices and services.
@TheOneWithTheHair I do not what bio-compatible computers that sound almost worse then having a computer that can read what you are thinking. To me a bio-compatible computer implies a computer that relies on ones dns to make decisions and I HATE the idea of giving out my dna to ANYONE especially corporations.
@RandoCalrandian l@Spellbind0127 because thats the law you can’t just change the license of code that other have contributed to just because you own the repository doesn’t make it so you own the legal rights to all the code. (Your an idiot if you say otherwise. )
@RandoCalrandian @hedge @LChitman @TheYang he change the license of mastodon on the next release thats not legal he would have to get everyone who has contributed to mastodon to agree. (Honestly the things you are saying on this thread make it seem like you are just saying stuff that you know nothing about).
@Jeze3D @wet_lettuce I have demo 1 passwords for around a day and still not sure if I should make the switch. Is the extra secret code a usability issue compared to just the master password.
@TheOtherJake @dirkgentle thats the dream but apple google intel and a bunch of other billion dollar if not trillion dollar companies will make sure this never happens so unfortunately I see no world in wich this happens.
@BaconIsAVeg @SoupOfTheDay what part of the analogy is incomplete. Generally want to know because I might be missing something if that’s the case.
@SoupOfTheDay Kbin and Lemmy are two different softwares that talk to one another using a protocol called activitypub. This is similar to email if I use gmail and you use outlook we can still send one another email even though we are using software operated by different email providers. The same thing Applies to Kbin and Lemmy different software with very similar use cases that communicates with one another. Please mention me in this thread if you have any more questions for me.
@alyaza @DiachronicShear total agree Beehaw doesn’t have the man power to moderate without this necessary but unfortunate action being taken.
@Spliffman1 @Skyraptor7 if only we could flip over specific living organisms that aren’t cows.