I eat a steady diet of government cheese, and live in a van down by the river.
I eat a steady diet of government cheese, and live in a van down by the river.
I have seen a lot of homeless in downtown Toronto who have a cart or backpack of belongings, and sleep directly on the subway vents with no tent. I get what the other guy is asking, I also don’t see how these metal silhouettes are going to stop someone sleeping on that grate.
The issue with keeping your emergency fund in an index fund is that the odds of your own personal crisis coinciding with a more widespread crisis is high. I got furloughed in April 2020. Had my emergency fund been in index funds, I would have had to realize all those market losses in order to use my emergency fund, which would have meant my emergency fund would have been a fraction of what it actually was since it was in a savings account.
I know, it’s super annoying. That’s why I stopped shitting in most urinals.