This is what I got from the article as well. Jesus, buy a previous gen GPU and fiddle a bit with your graphic settings, it’s just games, not life or death.
Futility is resistant
This is what I got from the article as well. Jesus, buy a previous gen GPU and fiddle a bit with your graphic settings, it’s just games, not life or death.
Adult mayflies don’t, they don’t even have a digestive system or even mouth. They just reproduce and die.
Sponges, IIRC don’t have organs, hence no anuses. Can their excretions be called poop?
I don’t recall reporting any comment today. Can I fix that if I reported it somehow?
Edit: shit, I see I used report instead of reply. Im sorry.
It’s as if they want bland business-friendly content so advertisers and data miners pay for their users eyeballs or content.
Well, that, and hate speech directed at government-approved society segments.
They don’t even serve shareholders, they serve the money they will give them if profits increase short-term.
I’d be okay with that, honestly.
Whoops, I’ve accidentally reached Próxima Centauri! Guess it’s time to die while doing some science.
Also, IQ tests are a learnable skill. You can become surprisingly better at them without actually increasing your intelligence, by becoming familiar with the exercises.
A smart non-native English speaker would likely score even lower the first time because many old tests tie reasoning to English proficiency and western culture.
Last but not least, being intelligent is different from being smart. I’ve seen intelligent people get left behind by regular people because they took unwise decisions and wasted their potential.
Date away, worrying about this is like worrying about dating someone stronger or taller than you. It’s doesn’t matter that much in the grand scheme of things.
Bhank you for not doxin me here pal, I would be devastated if odders knew about my low iQ
A question for the ages: why are there so many young cybersecurity furries?
Does the field attract furries, or does it create them?
Canada has all sorts of people, like every other country. Canadian mining companies are awful in Mexico, negotiating draconian concessions from corrupt governments, which allows them to extract minerals very cheap while ignoring environmental laws.
I understand that corrupt politicians are to blame, but Canadian businessmen can be surprisingly impolite and exploitative.
I think he would be relieved to get rid of Tesla if someone would buy it. The full self-driving promise was always a matter of interpretation, and the cars they build are more expensive symbols of status than practical products. Tesla can’t compete with global EV manufacturers, that’s a Damocles sword waiting to fall.
SpaceX is where the money is now, and all the electric innovation Tesla did can be used for something else.
That’s just a whimsical interpretation. If Nier hadn’t existed, he would have chosen another game he liked. Nier wasn’t his main motivation, just a guinea pig.
Yes Timmy, we spent months finding the best Marios and then made them have offspring. The wonders of AI!
Mario! Get your dirty growth mushroom away from the princess!
It’s seems like USA’s culture rewards individual success above all else, hence successful people behaving like main protagonists, or even as if others were NPCs.
To be fair, other comments that speak about selection bias are also spot on: not all people there do commercial tourism, even domestically. The ones that do are successful enough to have that disposable income.
It’s Zuck’s private list.
In reality, it’s effective engagement, they just missed the target audience. Meta has plenty of tools to detect and stop this, it just doesn’t have the will to renounce that sweet advertising money.
A boycott should be held until the brand changes position, if only for economic gain. A day of boycott would affect next quarter reports negligibly, if at all.
“Nothing else excites me anymore” - 2027 you, probably
PixelPinecone you did a criticism! It sucks but aren’t you adorable? Bless your heart.
Unregulated capitalism. That’s why people in dominant market positions want less regulation.