That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.
That’s not how this works, that’s not how any of this works.
Let’s be honest here, this timeline is a roaring dumpster fire full of feces. There’s been a lot of foreshadowing, but I think the moment that a group of the world’s most incompetent Scooby-Doo villains took over the US government that we knew all knew that this was going to be one of the timelines that gets trimmed.
Mix together sitting for hours in a doctor’s office with no wifi, shitty cell service, and more than a smidge of ADHD and that’s the result. 🤷
Always have been. Or at least since the beginning of the world wide web.
Stores had long used the “low price guarantee” slogan to draw customers. And they had trained the average customer to believe that it meant they had the lowest prices. Back in those days price comparisons were hard. Sales ads changed every week or two but other than what was in the ads you had to go from store to store checking the price yourself. Yes, you could call around to different stores, but that was unreliable. Even just getting stores phone numbers was a hassle. Plus, most stores didn’t have their inventory computerized, and the ones that did were only close to correct once a year, right after they did their yearly inventory. So they just had to keep track of a couple of their closest and biggest competitors. If you tried hard enough you could save a few dollars, but it was rare and took a lot of effort. Most people would settle on what they thought was the “best store” and just stick with it. Even when a competitor had a sale at a significantly lower price that was simple enough for them to deal with, they would just pull their stock from the shelves and put a sign on it in the back room that said don’t sell until a certain date. If you shopped somewhere like Sears or circuit City where their sales people worked on commission, You could sometimes develop a relationship with one of the veteran sales people as “your guy”. And they would be able to have this insane knack for “searching the storeroom” for you and “mysteriously” finding the “last box that had been misplaced”.
Then Walmart came on the scene and was a huge pain in the ass by actually having cheaper prices on a lot of things. Enough companies complained that eventually a few suppliers would have a special model number for a few high dollar items that they sold to Walmart and then a different model number for everyone else. But this was only on a few things like computer stuff and car stereos.
And then the internet came along and they were forced to slowly start giving just about every store “unique models”.
Did you just call someone a homosexual to insult them? Are you 12? Is “LGBTQ” your version of calling someone a fag these days? Holy shit. I’m an old man, a horrible person, and a complete asshole but even I know how fucking stupid and out of touch a person sounds calling someone a fag LGBTQ.
No wonder even a fascist haven like reddit banned you. They were probably so overcome with cringe and embarrassment that they perma-banned you ASAP.
That definitely influenced me. I think that technically makes you an influencer too.
Don’t worry, they are out there.
Unfortunately, they are highly allergic to pineapple… but they are out there.
If the bus went 600 miles an hour and every one on board might die because a duck decided to take flight at the wrong time? Then ya I think there would be some serious celebration every time the bus stopped.
I… I don’t think I’d be able to ever look someone in the eye again if I saw them eating any fruit like that.
And then I noticed your user name and realized that you are probably that bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, so direct eye contact is probably not a good idea anyways…
Personally, I’m holding out for the Tesla minivan.
Oh, I’m sorry. I interrupted before you got that far into your wank? I can see why it would leave you feeling frustrated.
This public masturbation thing you’re doing is really weird. “I voted for the fascists because the Democrats were heading towards fascism” is just weird. I mean at least the maga are honest about it, they wanted Nazis, they voted for Nazis, and they’re happy as peaches to get Nazis. But not you. No, the Democrats forced you to choose Nazis and so the Nazis are their fault?
I don’t get what you are doing, but at this point it’s moved past trolling to just feeling weird and gross.
If you wear a red vest and hang around outside a bar people will often just give you their cars, sometimes they might even be really insistent about it or even give you gas money.
The constant bouncing would definitely be a lot more exercise than sitting.
I read this as pornography, and was like I can believe that, this is the type of thing super rich bastards do. But then I googled it and realized that I got it wrong.
I think he’s gay, and these women are hired to be his beards. Part of the deal for them is that they get exposure, and also a chance to rub elbows with the Hollywood elite. All of which would be a lot more enticing to someone just starting out in life and their career.
Sniper report be like
Why you gotta judge?
Nothing worse than having those southerners come in with their crime and drugs and interrupting your midwestern meth making, meth taking, and meth related crimes.