It would not HAVE to do that, it just is much harder to get it to happen reliably through attention, but it’s not impossible. But offloading deterministic tasks like this to typical software that can deal with them better than an LLM is obviously a much better solution.
But this solution isn’t “in the works”, it’s usable right now.
Working without python:
It left out the only word with an f, flourish. (just kidding, it left in unfathomable. Again… less reliable.)
God we are so fucking far past the point where this will matter. We need to give up the idea that we can still patch our broken governmental system with things that rely on people coming together and agreeing that some things are just bad. The right will defend anything if defending it can give them more power. This legislation would probably be used to kick a democratic judge off for “ethics violations” like giving food to the homeless somewhere that it’s been made illegal before it was used to target republican judges guilty of rape, lying under oath, and bribery.