When you post something on the Internet, it will stay there forever.
When someone else posts something on the Internet, it will disappear off the face of the Earth by tomorrow.
When you post something on the Internet, it will stay there forever.
When someone else posts something on the Internet, it will disappear off the face of the Earth by tomorrow.
Missed opportunity to call the nightclub “The Fruit Bowl”.
Batman names most of his belongings with the prefix “Bat”, such as the Batmobile and the Batcomputer. Here, Robin thinks he also used the prefix with something called a “tery”, when Batman is just referring to an ordinary battery.
Meet the new app, same as the old app.
I don’t know, maybe you should take a breather…
Don’t snap at me, but it would be more apt of you to make a flat pack, or create an app image, or you might get stuck in a tar ball.
Gratias tibi ago!
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as a “monkey”, is in fact, a simian, or as I’ve recently taken to calling them, “higher primates”…
It would be worth $50 million today.
That’s assuming you’d actually be able to cash out.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Cold-blooded, more like.
I’ve always gotten Peanuts vibes from this comic, but I never said anything about it, because I assumed it was intentional. Thank you for confirming this!
So many corporations have used the words “Pro” and “Max” that they have now become meaningless.
Spaceballs (1987)
I guess you could say she…overdosed on speed.
Here’s one:
A Minecraft Movie (2025)
He didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the world’s been turning.