So you’re saying China is LGBT friendly?
So you’re saying China is LGBT friendly?
Explain to me how Trump’s actions rise to the level of Confederate soldiers who literally killed fellow Americans. I bet you also think “silence is violence”.
Was Trump found guilty of insurrection? I must have missed that. My mistake.
It’s funny that you mention THOSE Republicans because I’m old enough to remember when all three were hailed as the second coming of Hitler by the left. Weird how that’s changed…
I heard him say “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”, but what do I know, I only watched it on video.
But you’re right, letting democracy take its course is stupid, I don’t trust the public to make decisions and have to go through the trouble of voting. The only good democracy is one in which we tell the people who they can vote for. We should probably bar the Republican party from participating too. We don’t want to confuse people by giving them too many choices, especially since we obviously all want another term of Biden. He’s the best!
Okay cool, so you’re saying the ends justify the means and it has absolutely nothing to do with hindering your political adversary? So when your side is the one defying the constitution and the right takes antidemocratic steps to stop them, that will be justified and in no way will you complain?
I’m just happy we can protect democracy by interfering with democracy.
Yeah, the problem is those “other people” didn’t face any actual consequences because their cause was an emotional response to racial injustice or some such nonsense. Crime is crime and should be punished as such. I don’t give a shit if you think it was justified.
I’d like to also add this story in which rioters set fire to multiple buildings in close proximity to the White House and faced zero consequences because it was a “peaceful protest” rather than an “insurrection”.
The world IS bigger than Seattle, I agree. That being said, Seattle is a key US city, and as such what happens there has cultural and political ramifications for our country as a whole. The fact that you are either dismissing and/or not aware of what happened there is a little troubling and makes me question your qualifications to hold an opinion on the matter.
As for the obviously hyperbolic claim that “whole cities were burned down”, that’s absurd. As someone who lives very near Los Angeles, I can tell you that there absolutely was widespread looting, vandalism, protests/riots, and violence. This was not localized and spread both into Orange County as well as the Inland Empire. I know this because 1. I saw it with my own eyes, and 2. I had multiple clients reach out to me and reschedule because they needed to shutter their businesses and board up their store fronts with plywood to prevent them from being smashed and looted.
Since we’re sharing articles, how about this one that talks about two individuals who burned down a Wendy’s. Both individuals pleaded guilty of 1st degree arson and as a result got a slap on the wrist ($500 fine and 150 hours of community service). Explain to me how that’s even remotely a reasonable punishment for burning down a building…
What’s my position, that BLM is a bullshit corrupt organization, shown time and time again through their fraudulent behavior? That criminal acts should not be excused as “mostly peaceful” or “summer of love”? That the left used gaslighting to excuse abhorrent and illegal actions because it was their side doing it?
Seriously, what’s your point?
If Republicans are using that tactic, it’s only cause they learned it from you.
Burning down buildings, looting businesses, assaulting people, property damage, physically intimidating people, murder = “summer of love” and “mostly peaceful protests”.
Black lives matter ಠ_ಠ
I just think people I disagree with should be disqualified. It’s a Democrat or it’s nobody!
Weird, and here I thought it had nothing to do with her gender but rather her war mongering. Color me surprised. Happy to have someone insightful like you to tell me how I REALLY feel.
This comment is how I know you’re a morally superior “good” person.
Shame on Trump for being such a meanie. Fortunately we have “good” people like you to oppose him.
Agreed, All Republicans should be removed. We should weaponize the election system and use it bar our adversaries.
Or, you know, it might simply be people with a different opinion from you. That exists too.
I believe in personal freedom. I believe in smaller, more local governance. I believe in gun rights and the right to defend oneself. I believe in free market capitalism, fewer entitlements, and lower taxes. I believe the family structure is key to a thriving society and think it should be encouraged from a policy/tax standpoint rather than dismantled in favor of government “parentage”. I believe in meritocracy rather than the ever shifting goal post of equity. I do support abortion, but not in the late term/full term like many leftists do. I think it is a necessary evil and should never be celebrated.
You clearly missed the part where I said I was for open borders. Which current candidates oppose gay rights, and what rights are we talking about?
Sounds to me like you’ve created a non-existent boogyman to hate. I’m a conservative who is atheist, gay friendly, and thinks we should have open borders. Yet here we are with you villainizing me because I have different opinions than you on how we should handle national problems. Good job tolerant left, you’re always so tolerant…
So you’re saying China supports same sex marriage, trans rights, and doesn’t take steps to censor the internet?