It’s funny when someone mildly conservative shows up here.
It’s funny when someone mildly conservative shows up here.
Same. It’s a great app, just needs some work.
Hmmm. Seems like he’s one hell of a guy….I was tempted to offer some feedback but I don’t want to get accused of criticising. Thanks mate, we’ll see how it plays out, hey?
It would have to be an EU run search engine, otherwise which government?
Pixelfed is great, but it needs developing…some pics don’t load, comments don’t comment, likes don’t like. I’d love it if this got fixed, dark mode got added, more users and other bits and pieces. Are you saying that this won’t happen then?
Also a shame to find out he’s a prick.
It’s all about profit, and right wing policies tend to facilitate that…for example reduced workers rights.
People here use farm land to pay less tax, ie for inheritance.
The rich will just come up with clever ways to get paid that avoids paying tax.
Apparently it’s either become or will become a Mastodon feature.
An app I use for Mastodon (Called Mona) allows quote toots.
Mastodon has an early days of Twitter feel to it.
Did they give you enough paid break time to eat it?
If he isn’t he will after this.
Yup. It is in most or at least many cases.
There is a serious lack actual masculinity among our leaders.
The problem is many people hear these words and instantly jump to toxic masculinity. Which you’re obviously not advocating for, but neither of us are “many people”.
In the summary it says they’re staying due to the need to reach users….like there aren other ways.
The problem is, whilst people leave, it is still there with its Russian bots spewing hate into an echo chamber with numpties lapping it up.
It’s gateway bukkake.
I send a lot of pics, especially with work, texting a pic costs money.