Hard to give a shit when Kayne has shown everyone his ass hole enough times that wanting to be close to him is plainly a bad idea
Yo whatup
Hard to give a shit when Kayne has shown everyone his ass hole enough times that wanting to be close to him is plainly a bad idea
It’s not stopping anybody. If you are a horny enough 13 year old you’ll find it on any platform. Speaking from experience YouTube, Instagram, Reddit (obviously lemmy as well) and in short the rest of them can be pretty easily used to access porn. It’s not allowed on for example YouTube but it’s still there or it manages to be technically allowed through being “educational content”. Obviously we aren’t talking about like Brazzers or whatever being directly uploaded but there’s definitely naked people doing proactive things.
These types of people like to make a fool of themselves. It’s always fascinating to watch how easily they’ll fly off the handle just cause they get some consequences from being a cunt
Well the thing is that good AI models aren’t manually tuned. There’s not some poor intern turning a little knob and seeing if it’s slightly more accurate, it happens on its own. The more little knobs there are the better the model is. This means essentially you have no idea how any knob ultimately effects every other knob cause there’s thousands of them and any little change can completely change something else.
Look at “simple” AI for playing like Super Mario World https://youtu.be/qv6UVOQ0F44 shits already pretty complicated and this thing is stupid. It’s only capable of playing the first level
It’s a receipt with a link to an image. The image is entirely unrelated to the NFT outside of the link that’s embedded into the NFT. It’s kinda like how you can embed an image from one website onto another separate unrelated website
I’m sure everyone getting a brain chip from the monkey executioner will be sharing their opinions with us for years to come…
That’s how Reddit works/worked. Probably lemmy too though I haven’t looked too close. Deleting your account doesn’t necessarily mean the content your account created is taken with it. Things not being deleted with your account is a werid thing to cite for spy ware, lots of stuff works like that and you can delete it, just isn’t automatically deleted with your account.
Discord having security flaws does not make it spy ware. There have been some pretty severe security issues but almost every one I’ve heard of has its roots in a gullible user running some sort of application on their machine or scanning a QR code with the Discord app which makes it extremely clear you are logging into another device… The only one I’m aware of that I found very concerning was iirc a werid video player vulnerability that could yank your token.
I highly doubt Discord is giving advertisers access to the messages on their platform. That sounds insanely illegal and also largly a waste of time cause if they are doing that it doesn’t work very well.
If you have any familiarity with Python at all this is like a couple hour adventure. Seeing as they created the repo as of 7 hours ago and the commit being the entire, finished python script is also 7 hours old it’s safe to assume it didn’t take the author very long to create.
I don’t want to bash on what you’ve created but the entire project is not even 200 lines. All you’ve done here is tie together some libs that do it all for you. Seems werid to self advertise something this low effort…
Well I’m not like against Spotify and whatever else. I do use YouTube for what you are talking about but like my daily music, the stuff I want to like actually listen to when I feel like listening to music. Hell yeah that stuff is downloaded. I’m not tryna listen to Crazy Frog all the time, only when I’m feeling crazy.
As for storage space, I really just don’t think that’s a problem nowadays. Course since it’s hard as fuck to get a micro SD card in a phone these days you can be stuck with whatever amount the manufacturer gave you but even then 2gb worth of space is 32hours worth of music. That’s a entire day and a half of listening to stuff before anything repeats. I honestly just can’t imagine the kind of person to cycle through music frequently enough where that’s a problem.
I mean my thing is like how much music do you need to have “on you” at all times? I’ve got ~130 mp3s on my phone and that’s just under half a gig. So you can have an easy 250 songs (~16 hours worth) for just a gigabyte of local storage. It’s pretty easy to download junk and if you really like an artist guess what, you already have all your music locally so when you get a tasty wav
not a single thing has to change about how you listen to music.
TypeScript is JavaScript and not in the literal it’s compiled to JS sense but in the think of TS as a linter not a language sense.
Tesla advertised Full Self Driving, it’s literally what FSD stands for but in reality it was a somewhat better driver assistance. Why was? Well they are now relying almost exclusively on on normal fucking cameras which is why their depth perception is so spotty, they don’t have depth perception anymore the hardware for it has been removed.
Sheesh they didn’t completely shut down the possibility. They just said they think it’s unlikely, and I agree with them. Whenever I’ve seen people suddenly jump out like this to make extreme claims it’s been somewhat sketchy at best.
Who cares? Isn’t the point of it being federated that you can join whatever instance and have the same experience (ignoring of course whatever that particular instance is doing for modrration)
Yep, I pretty quickly learned I should just respond in kind as I’d get punished either way. Generally more severe punishments when it was one sided as well…
Or alternatively in actual first world countries you can just send money to people through your bank, for free. Hell in some third world countries they fuckn text their money around.
Yeah same experience I’ve had. As a rule of thumb they lack the understanding to even talk about what they are so hyped about. It’s sad really. When I’m ready interested in something I want go learn about it. Instead they are interested solely in how it could make them money. They don’t care whatsoever about it’s actual utility if there even is any.
Dude that’s fuckn Miku do you have no idea how much work goes into Vocaloids?
You have significantly more pleasent migrations when you use a custom launcher. Far as settings go Samsung S7 -> OnePlus 8 from what I recall got most of the settings I cared about. Notification settings for example, even app overrides