Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023

  • So my understanding of it is that one person who has a lot of followers made a video using the word in an arguably improper manner, a bunch of other people making more videos more or less using it ironically to make fun of it, and then a bunch MORE people just started using it completely wrong because it’s been a game of Shitty Telephone from the people who used it correctly (first persons teacher, or a book somewhere) and the end result makes absolutely no sense.

    Or, if you will excuse the slanted metaphor, “Ai learning from Ai”

  • Can you truly say you’ve had the HB experience if you haven’t recieved emoji/sticker/gif spam from people who weren’t alive for 9/11, have never been outside their country, and refuse to listen to opposing views, but know with full certainty that all western countries are 100% full of genociders and colonial rapists who all deserve the glorious death the super benign, extremely peaceful and misunderstood countries of North Korea, China, and Russia who have never once been correctly accused of human rights violations…

    And of course, if they point out that your country has dipped into those things in the past, well your entire worldview is shattered and their whataboutism has solved everything and proves you deserve the death they crave for you.

  • Every day we played, we knew how the night was going to end.

    At some point when it’s getting late, we’ll all be trying not to be the first one to say anything, then one person shoots another, it devolves into a half hour of free-for-all; explosions, probably literal tons of bullets, and when we all finally ran out of ammo and started beating each other to death with pool cues, bats, and police batons, the night would come to an end.

    And then another half hour of talking while a few wandered around aimlessly in cars or sat on the dashboard.

  • Sure would be cool if the US wasn’t anywhere near there and started minding it’s own fucking business and stopped supporting a nation set on genociding it’s displaced neighbors (and don’t ask how they got displaced either or you’re somehow racist)

    That said, why would any country near there want to send out a boat to intentionally get near the US navy? I wouldn’t do that during the best of times, and I once volunteered for them. During wartime conditions? I wouldn’t be within 250 miles of a naval ship, and that would still feel too close.

    There really isn’t a single country on the planet that can match the US navy. We don’t feed or house or take care of our people, but we sure do make a lot of weapons.

    And I mean all of that as an insult.

    Lmao be mad all you want, the fact is ships wouldn’t be getting attacked here if the US were minding it’s business from the very beginning. Saying “it’s because piracy” is just an excuse. Show me pirates, and ones that aren’t just being opportunistic about a conflict the US STUCK ITS NOSE IN

  • When should you introduce her to the new shows?

    After watching the old ones, of course!

    Start with TOS, move on to the first set of movies, watch TNG, DS9 and Voyager, generations to nemesis, THEN you start on the new shows.

    I mean, technically you could show in some kind of chronological order, but then she’s going to be frustrated by the differences in technology. Especially discovery. They reeeeeally wanted to be more high tech than anything else while still wanting to be set before most things we’ve seen. IMO, it’s very jarring and doesn’t work well. But I just ignore the “it’s before everything else” problem and it’s a decent show.

    I’m certainly biased, but I feel shows should be shown in the order they aired, not the order they’re supposed to go according to Canon. They are a product of their time, for better or worse, and most issues I feel are more easily sidestepped if you view them as such, all together. Seeing the strings on the enterprise two episodes in a row is a lot easier when you don’t have to compare it with pike’s sexy hair modern cgi space battles.